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Maritime in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+2Posted:2017-03-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: marinenauticalSimilar words: mark timemaritalfrom time to timeapparitiongood samaritantimetime outin timeMeaning: ['mærɪtaɪm]  adj. 1. relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen 2. bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea. 
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181. The "warranty" in the marine insurance act is a focal point of international maritime laws.
182. This research work could be the reference of maritime affairs investig...
183. In view of this situation, IMO(International Maritime Organization) formulated the revelant conventions to limit the emission of these harmful gases.
184. There was an extensive maritime trade network operating between the Harappan and Mesopotamian civilizations as early as the middle Harappan Phase.
185. Confiscation of vessel; and Other maritime administrative punishments provided for by laws and administrative regulations.
186. The telemetry buoy remote control system is designed to meet the maritime administration of the beacon location and monitoring needs and is a modern monitoring system.
187. ISM Code adopted at the 18 th Conference by the International Maritime Organization, is a mandatory rule.
188. The Maritime Arbitration Commission may endeavour to settle by conciliation any dispute of which it has taken cognizance.
189. Salvage at sea is a particular legal mechanism in maritime law, as compared to other laws.
190. Its mild maritime climate, colorful seashore resorts and hospitable habitants attract people to come to travel, recess, or spend their senectitude.
191. The nation's Maritime Self-Defence Force is reportedly planning to construct a new 284 metre long destroyer capable of transporting 14 helicopters, 4,( people and 50 trucks.
192. Chapter IX Procedures for Constituting a Limitation Fund for Maritime Claims Liability.
193. The maritime passage was a good augury for the aerial passage.
194. At present there are some multiple-misunderstandings on the concepts of maritime literature, like tautology, unintelligibility, unclear definition.
195. Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Digital interfaces. Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners.
196. "Any disputes arising from this contract shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC)".
197. This thesis covers the area of the extinguishment of security right on ships in maritime law.
198. Moving inland from the ocean[], the maritime inluence naturally decreases.
199. On your second question, the patrol ship "Haixun 31" of the Maritime Safety Administration of China headed for Singapore from Zhuhai on June 15 for a normal visit.
200. Exactly speaking, in the late Tokugawa period, with Russian merchant shipping's arrival at Ezo for trade in 1778 as the pivot, the theory of maritime state came forth.
201. The city is building a maritime museum near the harbor.
202. By 2019 Global Hawk still be a mainstay of the Pentagon's UAV purchase plan, to be joined by the Navy's road Area Maritime Surveillance Unmanned Aircraft System, better-known as BAMS.
203. NAVTEX Navigation Telex system can only broadcast maritime security information at present.
204. And be in 4 days before, this maritime space is in " Sang Mei " below typhonic indulge in wilful persecution, gobbled up hundreds fisherman and nautical life.
205. Where no maritime supervision section has been established therein, the work shall be implemented by the maritime administration department on the same level.
206. The Zhuhai Maritime Affairs Bureau announced that as a support to the most advanced maritime patrol ship in China's maritime system, the Zhuhai Gaolan Maritime Patrol Base was opened on July 15th.
207. They breed in the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada and winter along the Atlantic coast.
208. Article 25 A maritime lien shall have possessory lienpossessory lien shall have priority over ship mortgage.
209. South Korea has deployed a high-speed patrol boat armed with missiles to its disputed western maritime border with the North.
210. Based on the theory of public finance, a method to determine the basic expenditure budget quota of maritime administration is worked out.
More similar words: mark timemaritalfrom time to timeapparitiongood samaritantimetime outin timeon timefor a timeat a timeat timespastimebedtimein no timeat no timemarinemarinauntimelytake timeby the timelifetimeover timeeach timemeantimelead timenext timefull timefull-timespare time
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