Similar words: playing, slaying, delaying, play in, saying, paying, dismaying, spraying. Meaning: ['leɪɪŋ] n. the production of eggs (especially in birds).
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121. Steve, a believer in the personal touch, made their day by laying on their favourite drink, chilled Guinness.
122. Sylvopastoralism could also add a new practical and economic dimension to the debate on alternative systems for laying hens.
123. When you are laying out a new workshop you can play a particularly entertaining board game.
124. During the week I found work in town painting houses, laying carpets and delivering telephone books.
125. The dangers of laying too early or too late are simple.
126. IskraTEL specialists are currently laying optical fibre cables to connect the city's exchanges.
127. Laying my pack of cigarettes on the table, I lay back on the bed and looked at the ceiling.
128. He also seemed unaware of the great progress in laying fibre optic cable around the country, mainly between cities.
129. They pushed and shoved, reaching through the carriage windows to reserve places by laying their scarves along the bench.
130. Several observers remarked that the band looked more like a victorious army than like one laying down its arms.
131. I clambered on to the wheelbarrow, to pray for a healing miracle, laying aside my glasses and hat.
132. By eleven o'clock I was standing in front of Patterson's desk laying down the law.
133. Take Chancellor Adenauer, in 1970, at the site of the former Warsaw ghetto, laying a wreath.
134. However, Kurtz is not heavy-handed, laying out the pros and cons of talk culled from years of exhaustive reporting.
135. Most arc heavy and therefore only suitable for laying at ground-floor level or where floors are exceptionally strong.
136. But there is a body of opinion that programme evaluation can be executed without the laying down of programme aims and objectives.
137. Fox is clearly laying the groundwork for peace talks to restart.
138. There was no question however of laying it aside, of shedding his image, his crest, his coat of arms.
139. Laying his cloak on the ground, he threw on it gold rings and pearls and precious stones.
140. Every step now required the greatest care, for even the mere laying hold of a loose stone might have proved fatal.
141. At one spot the Federals succeeded in undermining the Confederate works in preparation to laying an explosive charge.
142. On the planet, unaware of being watched,[] Ace was laying explosive charges.
143. No doubt the laying of the artificial grass pitch at Newry played a major part in getting their fixtures cleared up early.
144. He points out that he has no powers to intervene in the laying of a pipeline on part of his farm.
145. This is the simplest way of laying a new path or drive.
146. Molly finished laying out his clothes and put the re filled tea pot on the hob to brew.
147. And they mate, laying their eggs in the shallow tepid pools.
148. Laying her head on the pillow she closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep.
148. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
149. We were laying other horses in the race, sometimes taking bets from people who had already backed Travelling Light.
150. We need to protect our men laying the charge and also the lower tunnel which they won't know about.
More similar words: playing, slaying, delaying, play in, saying, paying, dismaying, spraying, straying, betraying, go without saying, stay in, play it safe, pay in advance, play it by ear, day in and day out, vying, trying, tying, lying, dying, prying, frying, drying, buying, flying, crying, undying, pitying, outlying.