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Jeep in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+4Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: landroverSimilar words: jeerpeepweepkeepsheepdeepsteepsweepMeaning: [dʒːːp]  n. a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain. 
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121. The paper introduces the structure, working principle and recondition of firing system of Beijing Cherokee Jeep.
122. The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee's standard engine is an all - new flexible fuel 3.6 - liter Pentastar V - 6 engine.
123. Swim across a river to sneak past soldiers, snipe them from a distance or steal a turreted jeep and start firing.
124. Others say the vehicle was named for a popular character named "Eugene the Jeep" in the Popeye cartoon strip .
125. February 2, 1943: An American jeep proceeds along a trail through the jungle on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands during World War II.
126. The all - new Jeep Grand Cherokee offers the new Quadra - Lift air suspension system.
127. One American truck and a jeep were destroyed by cannon fire from the panzers.
128. The 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee also features SIRIUS Travel Link.
129. A jeep has it over a regular car on rough mountain trail.
130. An american jeep was belting along ( the highway ).
131. Brookfield, Wisconsin, New, Schlossmann Dodge City in the sales and service for Chrysler, Dodge,( Jeep in Brookfield great.
132. A jeep, full of people, sped drenching me in spray.
133. A Jeep Cherokee in front of me was stopped in the middle of the road.
134. They got out of the jeep and climbed in gusty wind.
135. Jeep has officially unveiled their new 2011 Grand Cherokee at the New York Auto Show.
136. Jeep jeep drive the jeep, off we go beep beep beep!
137. If you come from the Changren industrial road, a jeep can take you to the foot of Teapot Mountain. Lots of old gold pits can be seen along the way.
138. Power steering system for Cherokee Jeep consists of a steering vane pump and power steering gear.
139. From the side, Jeep Grand Cherokee features an athletic, muscular profile.
140. I have Whitetail very close to me and move back to the jeep.
141. Laden with bamboo and workers, a converted World War II U.S. Army jeep carries its load out of the mountains near Tangub, on the island of Mindanao.
142. Even the parking lot of a three-star hotel we stayed in was full of fancy cars and that made my Jeep Compass look shabby.
143. That was when he backed his tank up over our captain's jeep.
144. Allied M 3 Halftrack and Jeep armor is no longer highly resistant to projectile ammunition.
145. The Jeep held the advantage in side impact testing. The lighter Honda had better numbers in the frontal , but they can't be compared.
146. Associated Press photographer Noel and two men attempted to run the gantlet in a jeep and were captured.
147. I get out of the jeep with Dog and Whitetail, and lots of children run up to see who I am.
148. They had two cars, a red S.U.V. and a white Suzuki jeep, neighbors said.
149. A spokesman said a jeep flying a black flag was heading towards an AMISOM base, but he said soldiers destroyed the vehicle, killing all the suicide bombers inside.
150. AMC bolted a car body to a Jeep chassis to create the first mass-produced American passenger car with four-wheel drive.
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