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Hemorrhagic fever in a sentence

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Sentence count:48Posted:2024-04-16Updated:2024-04-16
Similar words: ebola hemorrhagic feverhaemorrhagic feverhemorrhagichemorrhagic strokehaemorrhagichemorrhagecerebral hemorrhagepneumorrhagiaMeaning: n. a group of illnesses caused by a viral infection (usually restricted to a specific geographic area); fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage. 
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1. Hemorrhagic fever caused by the virus is hantavirus.
2. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a crucial infection disease.
3. There is currently no cure for Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
4. Ebola is a hemorrhagic fever. It causes unstoppable bleeding.
5. An outbreak of Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever ( XHF ) was recorded at Awati hospital in Xinjiang in 1973.
6. Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF), also known as black typhus or Machupo virus, is a hemorrhagic fever and zoonotic infectious disease occurring in Bolivia.
7. To study the prevalence of epidemic hemorrhagic fever ( EHF ) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ( IMAR ).
8. Dengue victims sometimes develop bleeding. This is dengue hemorrhagic fever.
9. The Ebola virus can cause hemorrhagic fever that is usually fatal.
10. At present, such as the suspected source of hemorrhagic fever virus is not clear.
11. This section can lead to hemorrhagic fever virus, and other diseases.
12. Dengue victims sometimes develop bleeding. This is dengue hemorrhagic fever . The W.
13. Objective To investigate the immunogenicity of bivalent inactivated hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus ( HFRS ) vaccine.
14. Each year an estimated half - million people with dengue hemorrhagic fever require hospital treatment.
15. Objective To understand the local epidemic features of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever(EHF) and study on prevention and curement strategy.
16. Dengue victims sometimes develop bleeding. This is dengue hemorrhagic hemorrhagic fever.
17. Methods: The antipyretic effect of XNJI and its influence on central febrile medium were observed in rabbit model of hyperpyrexia caused by rabbit hemorrhagic fever virus(RHFV).
18. Objective : To detect and identify Crimean - Congo hemorrhagic fever ( CCHF ) virus in infected tissues.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. An experimental observation of inhibition effect of injectio radix astragali on epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus is reported.
20. According to the epidemiological evidence, Leptotrombidium(L. ) scutellare was considered to be the suspected vector of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and tsutsugamushi disease of autumn-type.
21. Fluorescent microspheres are applied in flow cytometry assay of epidemic hemorrhagic fever.
22. There is some dispute over whether this was a plague at all or an epidemic of viral hemorrhagic fever, regardless there is little argument that 100, 000 Londoners died.
23. Conclusion Continuous blood purification is one of effective treatments for Senility seriously hemorrhagic fever with renal syndromes and be batt...
24. Objective To investigate the cellular immune function in human epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF).
25. Objective To investigate the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of epidemic hemorrhagic fever(EHF) in Guangzhou area and provide scientific basis for control of EHF.
26. Some changes of humoral factors and renal hemodynamics were studied in 28 cases of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF).
27. AIM: To establish the target cells of CTL clone which is specific for the nucleocapsid protein (NP) of Hantaan virus (HTNV) in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS).
28. Prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2) level in plasma of the patients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever(EHF)was determined with radioimmunoassay.
29. Objective : To explore the nursing experience in oliguric stage of epidemic hemorrhagic fever.
30. Recently, however, American researchers announced progress in developing a medicine to prevent Ebola hemorrhagic fever in monkeys.
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