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Grafting in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+1Posted:2017-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: draftingcraftinesscraftilygraftgrafterengraftxenograftliftingMeaning: [græft /grɑːft]  n. the act of grafting something onto something else. 
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121, The aminolignin flocculant was prepared based on calcium lignosulfonate, diethylamine and epichlorohydrin by amino grafting.
122, Though the linear regression equation, grafting yield of product can be counted directly by contact angle.
123, This paper first discusses the status of suturing technique in corneal grafting.
124, Methods: 6 cases were treated with anterior extraperitoneal lumbar disc excision and lumbar intervertebral bone grafting.
125, Objective To evaluate the superiority of conjunctival flap diversion compared with amniotic membrane grafting on palindromic pterygium treatment.
126, Grafting significantly reduced the disease incidence and disease index of Verticillium wilt in eggplant.
127, Saphenous vein graft occlusion is a main reason for the failure of coronary bypass grafting.
128, It was pointed out that proper grafting of monomer onto protective colloid was vital to stability of colloid particle. So it is important to properly use protective colloid in emulsion polymerization.
129, In this paper, the grafting modification of casein was carried out by using vinyl and acrylic ester monomers, anionic emulsifier and redox catalyst system.
130, Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to rootstock that is strong and resistsand insects.
131, Rabbit and rat adrenal medulla were respectively grafted to 18 and 12 rats 10 and 5 of them had a significant improvement in rotational behaviour 2 months after grafting.
132, Methods:Degenerative spondylolisthesis cases were treated by bilateral partial hemilaminectomy preserving spinous process and H-shape bone grafting between spinous processes and laminae .
133, In the method, the bacillus pumilus H2 inocula accesses culture water and is prepared by grafting a bacillus pumilus H2 strain into an LB culture medium.
134, The understocks should be grown in place or should be potted approximately , year prior to grafting.
135, Objective:To evaluate the superiority of Autologous superior conjunctival flap diversion compared with amniotic membrane grafting on palindromic pterygium treatment.
136, Effect of polymerization conditions including charging weight ratio of polystyrene macromer, amount of initiator and temperature of copolymerization on grafting efficiency were studied.
137, No recurrence was found. Conclusion It is effective to treat severe lower eyelid entropion by pediculated orbicular muscle grafting.
138, Objective To estimate the therapeutic effect using palpebralis margin incision and pediculated orbicular muscle grafting to cure severe upper eyelid entropion.
139, Conclusion The application of tangential excision of eschar and skin grafting in the full thickness burn can be better service the beautiful outlook and protect the function of limbs.
140, A novel method, in-situ chlorinating graft copolymerization (ISCGC), was employed to synthesize grafting copolymers of chlorinated polymers.
141, Objective: To observe the short - term and long - term efficacy of liver surface and gastric and intestinal serous membrane skin grafting.
142, Objective To investigate the anesthesia and perioperative management of off - pump coronary artery bypass grafting ( OPCAB ).
143, Objective To evaluate the vascularised gastrocnemius,(sentencedict .com) soleus muscle flap grafting in limb salvage for proximal tibial malignant tumor.
144, Lyophilize Irradiated Human Umbilical Artery (LIHUA) is able as a new prosthesis for small caliber artery bypass grafting.
145, How is cut after who knows skin - grafting operation excuse me bleeds to return a responsibility?
146, B. S. Dissertation:Grafting copolymerization of methyl acrylate onto chitosan and the study of the adsorptivity (Directed by Professor Liu Shufen).
147, Twice grafting can raise the disease resistance of plant by validly preventing and cure root disease.
148, Grapes, apples, pears and also flowers can be improved through grafting.
149, Objective: To explore a method for treatment of femoral neck fracture in young adult by minor incision in lateral of femoral trochanter and grafting with sartorius muscle iliac bone flap.
150, Physiological mature of bud is the base of grafting, and semi- lignify is considered as the index of walnut grafting at growing stage.
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