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Flash in the pan in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2017-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in the pastflashon the part ofcash incash in onflash backin the presence ofspanish inquisitionMeaning: n. someone who enjoys transient success but then fails. 
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(1) His first novel was a flash in the pan, and he hasn't written anything decent since.
(2) Beene's new novel proves he isn't just a flash in the pan.
(3) Sadly, their success was just a flash in the pan.
(4) There is no flash in the pan.
(5) His brilliant novel turned a flash in the pan; he never wrote another one.
(6) Again love the United States is only a flash in the pan.
(7) That MTV rap group is just another flash in the pan.
(8) Beautiful is not a flash in the pan, but anyone outside!
(9) That singer was only a flash in the pan. He after having made two records.
(10) Denigrated by some as a fashionable flash in the pan and job killer and praised by others as a cure-all – the online production of templates is a profitable but controversial phenomenon.
(11) The low inflation rate will be no flash in the pan.
(12) Oil Price Drop: A Flash In The Pan Or Current Reversion?
(13) It is just a flash in the pan and mare nest.
(14) That singer can't last. He's a flash in the pan.
(15) People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a flash in the pan.
(16) He needed to prove that his success was not just a flash in the pan.
(17) Beene's new novel proves that he isn't just a flash in the pan.
(18) I think people thought in the beginning I was going to be a flash in the pan,( like Tiny Tim.
(19) Many of his contemporaries shared his surprise and dismay and assumed that this apparent triumph of an uncivilised eastern nation over the best fighting machine in Europe was but a flash in the pan.
(20) We're hoping that this is a long - term opportunity, and not just a flash in the pan.
(21) He did write a wonderful book, but it was just a flash in the pan.
(22) That brilliant poem he wrote when young was a mere flash in the pan.
(23) Viewed from the perspective of history, life is but a flash in the pan.
(24) Her success as an actress in the show business was only a flash in the pan.
(25) In such infinite time, no one would survive but as a flash in the pan.
(26) Music is my life, but I don't want to be a flash in the pan.
More similar words: in the pastflashon the part ofcash incash in onflash backin the presence ofspanish inquisitionlabyrinthineflaskslashclashslashedsplashedeyelashfashioncashierbacklashshineflagshiptake a shitkeep an eye ondiscrepancyold-fashionedto the pointfishingpushingshiningpantheismnourishing
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