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Dl in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2018-10-04Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. a metric unit of volume equal to one tenth of a liter. 
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1 Fixed, "Canvas drawing error" on Image DL.
2 Enter the contest, and experience Reggie's DL 4 Soundboard!
3 An 218 DL hauled 2 double-decked cars.
4 DL How do you think it has changed you?
5 Responsible for recruitment of DL,[] maintain and search vendor.
6 Note: The highest level of Chinese DL for a foreigner to change in China is Type C1.
7 About one-third (31 percent) of adults in the United States have elevated triglyceride levels, defined as more than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
8 He's still never been on the DL in his career.
9 Based on DL(discrete logarithm)problem, S1 is decrypted by introducing a multi -channel service parameter and a special polynomial function, S2 is decrypted by Chinese Remainder Theorem.
10 A person has impaired fasting glucose (IFG) when fasting plasma glucose is 100 to 125 mg/dL.
11 Objective To study the analgesic effect of DL - lysine acetylsalicylate CO.
12 The model DL - 8 multiple valve can also be used in hydraulic systems in other engineering machinery.
13 I'd like to place an order for ten DL - 1 color printers.
14 DL Smile Chinese School - -- Communication Begins From Smile!
15 This means that if the DL username and password are configured correctly on a particular connector, then any authenticated user has full access to the DL.
16 In addition[], the TK - DL menu driven software program allows for customizing of printed header and footer.
17 DL How do you assess your start to the season?
18 Reasoners for OWL DL, while dealing with a decidable sublanguage, will be subject to higher worst-case complexity.
19 DL tray can reduce the heat load of the first absorption tower and reduce the addition amount of reflux ammonia. As a result, ammonia treatment capacity is increased.
20 DL Was he the best player you have ever signed?
21 DL did not differ between the two groups, although methemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin were higher in women with asthma than in healthy women.
22 More diphenylthiocarbazone should be used to estimate barbiturate concentrations above 1 mg / dl.
23 The dynamic linking loader example program is a small C program designed to exercise the dl routines.
24 When implementing a constructor or destructor in assembler, be sure to preserve the DL register.
25 Objective To analyze the degradation and related factors of domestic poly - DL - lactic acid ( PDLLA ) plates in vivo.
26 The project behind the paper is intended to provide a conceptual pilot system, hopefully, could be used as reference for other minority language DL.
27 LHP Andy Pettitte was retroactively placed on the 15-day DL. He is eligible to come off on Saturday.
28 It uses a WASThreadFactoryBase base class to enable the use of a single implementation for both the J2SE 5 and the dl.concurrent.util version of the ThreadFactory (Figure 5).
29 A low molecular weight poly(DL lactide) containing carbon carbon bonds was synthesized from DL lactide, glycerin and fumaric acid.
30 The following information has been provided to assist you in utilizing your Watts TK - DL test kit.
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