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Dividing in a sentence

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Sentence count:231+2Posted:2017-08-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rugged individualismprovidingproviding thatdividedivideddividerdividendundividedMeaning: [-dɪŋ]  adj. 1. serving to divide or marking a division 2. serving simply to separate or partition. 
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(91) The dividing line between the two forms of agreement is often fine.
(92) On an international scale Louth sits right on the line dividing the Eastern hemisphere from the Western.
(93) There is no dividing line between the pagoda and life outside.
(94) We're getting food like corn beef milk and flour and dividing into packages and taking into inaccessible places.
(95) You calculate the dividend yield by dividing the annual dividend by the market price of a stock.
(96) Propagation is done by either dividing the rootstock with shoots or by planting seeds in a container of damp sand or loam.
(97) This factor can be compensated for, by dividing the semantic score between two words by the joint length of their definitions.
(98) Then, effectively isolated from the rest, it would continue dividing.
(99) Spry Inc has reorganised, dividing its system integration and software development operations into two separate companies.
(99) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(100) In fact, the dividing lines were often difficult to draw between those formally described as sick and those described as early-retired.
(101) Toward afternoon, he rapped on the dividing window and asked the chauffeur to stop.
(102) Everything was in sharp focus, the horizon was a clear line dividing sea and sky; more rain about.
(103) We were on the dividing line between the inshore waters and the Kuroshio.
(104) This rise in prices is eliminated from the figures by dividing national income by the price index and multiplying by 100.
(105) One problem is that we may have no clear criterion for dividing up the workforce into classes and strata.
(106) The crucial dividing line therefore is between this general advice and participation in management.
(107) A satisfactory dividing line could have been drawn in these terms.
(108) Middle,( the 96 X-ray detected non-binary stars showing the cut-off of coronal emission at the dividing line.
(109) The issue dividing the Church was the question of women priests.
(110) Usually, however, the dividing lines in this sort of linguistic stratification are simply annihilated in the fabliaux.
(111) Where does the dividing line come between yesterday's news and the history books?
(112) A border is a dividing line marking an abrupt shift between two separate, sometimes antagonistic, entities.
(113) The approximate vertical column has been obtained by dividing the slant column by 20.
(114) " They've finished dividing up the property.
(115) Used in speaker dividing network circuits.
(116) Probably the dividing line occasionally became blurred even in Haig's mind.
(117) Data from DCCI: Netizen's penetration rate is the result of dividing the population with the amount of netizens.
(118) Sexto: A size of paper obtation by sub - dividing a broadsheet into six parts.
(119) One of the main contents of continental sequence stratigraphy is dividing the three-order Sequence into " LST , TST and HST", representing three stages of a lake basin deposition.
(120) Based on feedback linearization and state feedback, we propose a piecewise continuous control law by dividing the system into two subsystems.
More similar words: rugged individualismprovidingproviding thatdividedivideddividerdividendundivideddividableindividualindividuallyrecidivismrecidivistindividualismindividualistindividualityindividualizedindividualisticcontinental divideindividual income taxdivingskydivingindividual retirement accountridinghidingscuba divingvoidingtidingsraidingsliding
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