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Colliding in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2017-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: collideglidingcollierycollisioncollimatetorticollishidingriding
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31. Since the process of colliding mechanism of electric rock drill is complex, there isn′t a set of calculating method practically still now.
32. Both of voidage and particle colliding force are key parameters in gas-solid fluidized beds.
33. Using an Anti - resonant - Ring ( ARR ) structure, a plane - ARR colliding resonator Q - switched laser was designed.
34. The results are based on analysis of data collected during the last two weeks of the 2010 LHC run, when the atom smasher switched from colliding hydrogen protons to lead-ions.
35. Located at the meeting-point of two colliding continental plates, the area has a complex geology with ongoing mountain formation as well as major sculpting by glaciation.
36. To some different extent, textual discourse of The Ruined City has been erring from and colliding with intersexual discourse, moral discourse and literature aesthetic discourse.
37. Status quo and revisionist powers have too many colliding interests.
38. Small trailing bar should align with the top and bottom faces of revolving tray. Don't swing out too long forwards or backwards lest colliding trailing bar.
39. Officials said the collider would still take a planned monthlong break from colliding protons this fall.
40. Physics material describes how to handle colliding objects (friction, bounciness).
41. The literature of this new nomadism, represented by Salman Rushdie, is full of multiple cultural references colliding and colluding in robust, vital play.
42. Here and elsewhere, "Let the Great World Spin" can feel like a precursor to another novel of colliding cultures: "The Bonfire of the Vanities," Tom Wolfe's classic portrait of New York in the
43. The anliresonant - ring ( ARR ) Jaser cavity used for colliding pulse mode - locking ( CPM ) are described and analysed theoretically.
44. A US Navy surveillance plane landed in China after colliding with a Chinese fighter jet.
45. The colliding Antenna Galaxies, a hyperkinetic smashup in space, may approximate what will happen when the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy collide in about 2.5 billion years.
46. Xinhua news agency says the bus left the road after colliding with a sport utility vehicle on a highway in the Guangxi region.
47. Based on the radio frequency sheath model, the equations for ion velocity, density, and energy flux colliding on the material surface are derived.
48. The reverse process, you have something that's vibrationally excited colliding with a molecule.
49. Besides, it can find not only the colliding elementary geometry element pairs but also the precise colliding points.
50. The main feature in the fields of society, culture and thought on this time is that Eastern learning and Western learning, the ancient ideas and the modern ideas were colliding and interchanging.
More similar words: collideglidingcollierycollisioncollimatetorticollishidingridingabidingin hidingpresidingprovidingcollision insurancerollingoverridinglaw-abidingupbraidingscoldingcollatingtrollingcollapsingcollectinggo into hidingriding schoolproviding thatlogrollingrollickingpolling dayrolling pinrolling mill
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