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Clasper in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: claspenclasphandclaspaspercasperjasperaspencall a spade a spade
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1 Clasper had other ideas, however.
2 Clasper stood alone on the box, clasping a hand microphone to his ranting mouth.
3 As a lifelong Communist, Clasper knew that it was absolutely essential to wrest control of the workers away from the plant management.
4 The flat sheet has a clasper at its one edge to hold end edge of display card and there is a fan located in the first plane.
5 Successive personnel managers had always caved in to his demands as they knew full well that Clasper would win a stand-up fight.
6 This invention integrates the heat-dissipation devices for display chip and internal storage chip separately into one device, and a clasper is added for antidropping by vibration.
More similar words: claspenclasphandclaspaspercasperjasperaspencall a spade a spadeasperseaspectasperitygas pedalaspersionlast gaspexasperateaspectualas per usualblasphemyblasphemeexasperatedaspergillusat a speed ofblasphemerexasperationexasperatingaspect ratioaspect angleunder a spellmake a splashblasphemous
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