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Businessmen in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+7Posted:2018-04-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: business managementbusinessmanbusiness manbusiness managerBusiness is businessbusinesson businessdo businessMeaning: ['bɪznɪsmən]  n. the body of individuals who manage businesses. 
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121. Nine businessmen from eight top conglomerates are being tried for bribing Roh.
122. Businessmen outlined their views on future government policies when two General Election candidates visited the Belasis business centre, Billingham.
123. As often as not, they were the names of her favourite businessmen of the moment.
124. In order to obtain better prices for their cotton, black businessmen sent it directly to Galveston, thus avoiding local middlemen.
125. As noted above, a high level of production is essential for the economic security of workers, farmers and businessmen.
126. Officers have been visiting stores advising businessmen how to spot the signs of an abuser.
127. The lobbies of Baghdad's five-star hotels are packed with businessmen fighting over lucrative contracts.
128. The state gave them to visiting businessmen whose names are being kept secret.
129. To go with his telescopes, Hale helped found Caltech, with ample support from local Pasadena businessmen.
130. Taylor has won the gratitude of many small businessmen for shouting what many have been whispering.
131. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together young scientists, businessmen and journal publishers.
132. The second time around, Stafford was fast asleep[], wedged in between two large blond businessmen.
133. The concentration of ethnic minority women workforce in the garment industry owned by minority businessmen is a good illustration.
134. It involves participation by businessmen and other community leaders in and out of classrooms.
135. Occasionally they sneak glances at the businessmen -- who look back at them in mutual amazement and fear.
136. Brisk neon routines jolly the cityscape, like the desk-toys of businessmen.
137. From 1830 Lille was run by mayors who were prominent businessmen.
138. I feel sorry for the besotted, exhausted businessmen, but it is the schoolkids on the train who break my heart.
139. Arizonans have a habit of embracing wealthy businessmen with virtually no elective experience.
140. At dinner in the garden one evening, for instance, two perfectly ordinary businessmen suddenly burst into a Verdi duet.
141. It has also caused businessmen to openly take sides in a debate they traditionally left to politicians and human-rights activists.
142. Businessmen fretted that no good could come of such defiance; students delighted in the courage of their mainland counterparts.
143. One vexing problem is the inconsistency of the red tape that ensnares businessmen when they try to do practically anything.
144. Investors lost their savings and some businessmen, more particularly the smaller ones, went bankrupt.
145. Your bank dominates the profitable Hongkong retail market,( with its population of hard-working small businessmen and savers.
146. The general situation with regard to such counter-indemnities granted by businessmen was also unclear.
147. Formerly enthusiastic, Saigon businessmen now called for caution, preferring to consolidate their economic gains in Cochinchina.
148. Many Hollywood denizens are businessmen who have been involved in politics for years.
149. Businessmen looked for profitable markets and new sources of cheap raw materials; the military looked for overseas bases.
150. Even Republican. businessmen contribute money to the Machine, more than they give to Republican candidates.
More similar words: business managementbusinessmanbusiness manbusiness managerBusiness is businessbusinesson businessdo businessbusiness addressbig businessbad businessshow businessbusiness newsbusiness lawbusiness taxbusiness daymerchandising businessbusiness suitbusinesslikeout of businessbusiness loanbusiness dealagribusinesssmall businessbusiness hourstalk businessbusiness cardbusiness gamemean businessbusinessperson
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