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Burner in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+2Posted:2016-10-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cornerburn outburn upburningaround the cornerburyearnestlearnedMeaning: ['bɜːnə]  n. 1. an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse) 2. the heating elements of a stove or range on which pots and pans are placed for cooking. 
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31 Burt an the Yurt-man, a mass murderer and chicken-farm burner.
32 She filled the big, black kettle and set it over the burner.
33 The Thermogrill surface combustion burner gives an even heat over the whole surface, even when it's turned down.
34 Quigley leaped into the air like a monkey that has sat on a bunsen burner and gave a sort of primal grunt.
35 Blisters which had formed the first time now burst, weeping clear fluid on to the burner which hissed like an angry snake.
36 He was in his kitchen nook with the single plug-in electric burner.
37 Above them, a small incense burner gives off a languid and heavy, musky scent.
38 She flung open the window, grabbed a tea-towel and hooked the red-hot rice pan off the burner.
39 Now came the scrape of metal as Mrs Arkaday shook the sputtering fry pan back and forth over the burner.
40 Repair dripping hot taps. Use the right size pan to cover the burner or ring.
41 You squeeze a dollop of special paste into a small cup at the base of the burner and light it.
42 Their food was boiling in a pan on the back burner of the gas-stove in the alcove by the pantry door.
43 When you open the control valve the liquid is released into the stove burner as a gas.
44 So for most of that period,( the new perfume project was on the back burner.
45 He waylaid Stella in the paint-frame where she had been sent to boil rabbit glue on the Bunsen burner.
46 I personally think this is as idiotic as waving a bunsen burner around while having a row.
47 The connections were loose, and the optic burner didn't respond to her impulse command.
48 Dozens of cases were put on the back burner.
49 Man, why do you get such an oil burner?
50 An induction burner at Per Se.
51 A diesel engine is an oil burner.
52 You should put that project on the back burner.
53 A CD burner and a blank CD.
54 Each burner controlled with automatic igniter and flame monitor.
55 It's on the back burner right now.
56 A gas burner on a cooker should burn with a blue flame.
57 But according to this article out Friday in the NYT, politicians should use exceeding caution before pushing the issue to the front burner.
58 We are aboard Cappadocia Balloons and lifting off. The only sound is the burner.
59 Global imbalances are back. Large and volatile capital flows, exchange rate pressures, rapidly growing excess reserves - all this is on the front burner once again.
60 "He was headed north, and said he was for York—shire too, " said this deceitful charcoal burner. "But of course your worship, he may have been lying, as fat friars will at times.
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