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VSS in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2018-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
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(1) Export the data from VSS repositories.
(2) source code version control Folder backups by date VSS and beginning CVS/SVN user Proficient in using CVS and SVN features.
(3) The test came a week after VSS Enterprise proved it could be flown on back-to-back days.
(4) An aircraft servo loop is designed from the variable structure system (VSS) theory with a detailed procedure of a controller design and an intuitively geometrical sense of the design method .
(5) VSS? Vector Symbol Set?
(6) Navy, NASA vehicles and even science fiction spacecraft, Governor Schwarzenegger of California and Governor Richardson of New Mexico will christen SS2 with the name Virgin Space Ship (VSS) ENTERPRISE.
(7) Before you export the data from the VSS, you need to decide upon the component (directory) structure that you ultimately want in UCM.
(8) Abstract A Verified Secret Share(VSS) scheme based on bilinear pair was proposed, and a IND?CCA2 proof to this scheme was given.
(9) SpaceShipTwo, named the VSS Enterprise, is designed to carry six ticket-holding passengers and two pilots.
(10) Data is kept in VSS under a single directory tree, and all of the project paths start with a forward slash (/).
(11) Therefore, the typical project structure in VSS would look like that shown in Figure 1.
(12) Map the VSS repository to a network drive, using proper authentication.
(13) The VSS Enterprise, which had already made it's first solo flight two weeks earlier, took the short ceremonial trip to celebrate the completion of the runway at the space port in New Mexico.
(14) After you decide upon the directory structure in UCM, you can proceed to export the data from VSS.
(15) Based on those hex- code values, there are a total of 256 ticks. The input voltages between VSS and VDD represent a straight - line linear conversion.
(16) Also, you must determine what decisions you need to make before you can start to export data from VSS.
(17) Open a command prompt and ensure that the PATH variable includes the path of your VSS installation directory.
(18) You can use the information in this article to help plan a migration from VSS to ClearCase (and possibly from ClearCase to UCM).
(19) However, before you go through these steps, it helps to understand how data is kept in VSS repositories.
(20) The idea is to display the Git file status and make it as much close experience with VSS and TFS as possible.
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