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RM in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
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1, However, as described above, this plasmid was found to exhibit wild type R-M.
2, Helicon Publishing is a division of RM.
3, Involve production, RM stock taking year end.
4, RM : How long have you been a Toastmaster?
5, It has been suggested that it instead was Rm.
6, Focus on supplier assessment, RM inspection and quality status analysis to ensure raw materials Mission's requirements.
7, Analysis cost accounting for RM used, labor cost and efficiency production.
8, AT 91 RM 9200 - based display control study is the use of chip S 1 D 13506.
9, OSI/RM classify the structure of the network into application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer and physical layer.
10, Internationlly, the relationship marketing RM is a kind of highly effective marketing model.
11, S at RMB 1100.00 per car and Temporary Import Permit at RM 300.00 per Container.
12, In addition, all present RM research aim to maximize expected revenue, assuming decision-makers are risk neutral and not distinguishing the different risks under the same expected revenue.
13, It is a generic structure based on the International Standard Organization (ISO), Open System Interconnection(OSI) and Reference Model (RM).
14, Nearly all transactional RMs have their own transaction manager built in, which can handle local transactions -- transactions involving only that RM.
15, Objective To discuss how horizontal mattress suture (HMS) may reduce necrosis of incisal margin after radical mastectomy(RM).
16, In RM nanowires,( a domain wall exists anywhere that a 0 is next to a 1.
17, This paper present an improved method for analyzing the schedulability of periodic task sets under Rate Monotonic(RM) priority assignment.
18, Horvath K, Collins RM, Rabsztyn R et al. Secretin improves intestinal permeability in autistic children.
19, RM 40 works by microprocessors with 4 k byte program storage which is composed of 23 subroutines.
20, RM 500 deposit per person confirmation. Balance of payment is to be remitted 21 days before departure.
21, The new product-line RM–TS include all advantages of our longstanding experience with pumps of the RM type and the additional certainty that they will not be damaged by dry running.
22, Annealing with the heating rate IV and V, the SPCC has small equated grains and lower nm, rm value, so it can only be used as a CQ level sheet steel.
23, Also, we need to know how much individual stocks are correlated with rm; we measure that by the regression coefficient.
24, Defining the periodic task model for weakly hard system, the PV-RM scheduling algorithm is presented on the basis of RM scheduling policy.
25, In the same year he split with his backers, before returning with new business partner Simon Fuller under the name RM.
26, The other alternative is to modify the instruction pointer register using the rm command and just type go.
27, However, the heavy system overheads resulting from the highly frequent occurrences of preemption under heavy workload are characterized by the fixed priority scheduling of the RM algorithm.
28, The results showed that there was significant difference between tannase in RM and in bulk water.
29, The stock market ran higher for a fourth day, but RM Group took no part in the rally.
30, This paper discusses the conceptual graph representation of which the textual knowledge is stored into a RM/T-specified conceptual model.
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