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FOA in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2018-08-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: foalfoamfoamyfoaledfoamingstyrofoamfoam rubbershaving foam
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1 Please join ICS, and assist FOA and other rhino conservation organizations to set up the joint action network to stop rhino poaching and consumption and trade of rhino horns.
2 How to automatically identify the focus of attention (FOA) that generally is the interesting area in an image?
3 FOA and the United States EPA formally approved in the seventies for food and drinking water disinfection.
4 JH : I think fundamentally we're racing under a binding MOU with FOA.
5 But due to reported funding issues the original design duo were axed and replaced by Atkins as lead designer on the project, followed in addition by FOA in 2008.
6 Using finite element method, the static and dynamic states about the main machine components of FOA and the integral ICF target chamber are analyzed and the design of FOA is optimized.
7 Conclusions: The measurement of tissue pressure systolic pressure and diastolic pressure has great clinical significance in the guidance of oppaortune time foa fasciotomy.
More similar words: foalfoamfoamyfoaledfoamingstyrofoamfoam rubbershaving foamfoam at the mouth
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