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DBD in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2018-08-04Updated:2020-07-24
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1. There are many unsolved problems in conventional DBD gas ionization technique, resulting in lower gas ionizability, which cannot be used in non-equilibrium plasma chemistry.
2. DBD (silent discharge) is a non-thermal plasma discharge that is conveniently operated over a wide temperature and pressure range.
3. Diamond-Like Carbon(DLC) films were deposited by a DBD plasma gun at an atmospheric pressure, with CH_4 as a precursor and Ar as dilution gas.
4. Use most extensive is medium holds back discharge law (DBD) .
5. Consequently, the homogeneous air - DBD used to modify surface properties should be researched from now on.
6. The result showed that DBD can effectively remove one of the representative hydrocarbon odor species - styrene.
7. Dielectric barrier discharges ( DBD ) for generating non - thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure for textile processing are reviewed.
7. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
8. The potential advantages of DBD at atmospheric pressure in textile processing and plasma chemistry are described.
9. The physics process in the dielectric barrier discharge ( DBD ) has been studied.
10. At present, most researches are about producing plasma by DBD ( Dielectric Barrier Discharge ) under atmosphere.
11. In this paper we describe a method of difference box-counting dimension (DBD) in texture image and then analyze the advantages and disadvantages of DBD.
12. The kinetic models of methane converted in RFD plasma and DBD plasma were founded on the base of radical reaction mechanism.
13. The increase of peak voltage will result in a significant decrease of energy utilization efficiency of DBD at most engine loads.
14. The discharge gap voltage is represented in terms of Fourier transform , the equivalent impedance of DBD discharge gap is available.
15. Influence of the rotating grounding electrode on dielectric barrier discharge ( DBD ) was studied.
16. The air flow can adjust the ion distribution and prevent generation of filaments between the electrodes. The different type of applied voltage have great influence on the optical pattern of DBD.
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