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CLP in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
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(1) Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was done in the infection group, and laparotomy only in the control group.
(2) Vibration analysis of composite laminated plates (CLP) using finite element method and structural acoustic analysis using Rayleigh integral were carried out.
(3) CLP is the main air pollution cmpany in Hong Kong!
(4) In view of the complex Container Loading Problem (CLP), the optimal loading plan with heuristic information and the ant colony algorithm was proposed.
(5) When the CLP encounters the line continuation character, it reads the next line and concatenates both lines.
(6) The CLP and HEC transmission systems are interconnected by a cross - harbour link.
(7) A Cecal ligation - perforation ( CLP ) was used as a sepsis model.
(8) The CLP includes both a front-end process (representing the user interface) and a back-end process to maintain a database connection.
(9) Objective To explore the early intervention role of the application of low-dose heparin on sepsis through rats in cecal ligation and puncture(CLP) model.
(10) Methods: The cecal ligation and perforation ( CLP ) was utilized to make the abdominal infection in rats.
(11) If special characters are used in CLP command mode[ ], they are interpreted by the operating system shell.
(12) Method ALI models were made by cecal ligation and puncture(CLP)in SD rats. They were randomly divided into ALI, glucocorticoid(GC)and UTI groups according to be treated with GC or UTI.
(13) My graduate thesis is CLP(R) Compiler System, supported by Fundingof Chinese Nature Science and 863 Project.
(14) More importantly you can see the section number, and where the query was issued from (QUERYTAG: CLP).
(15) This command turns off the automatic commitment of SQL statements and removes the prompt that is displayed in CLP interactive input mode.
(16) In summary(, in this study a optimal index set was selected for the prediction of prognosis in sepsis by using a CLP model in rats and a prediction model with the best index set was established.
(17) In this paper, we propose to do property checking using constraint logic programming ( CLP ).
(18) In the past, wooden poles were checked by means of a hammering test before CLP staff members climbed them.
(19) Results The level of TNF - alpha and CK - MB increased progressively after the CLP opera tion.
(20) For restoration model of STL format, the searching efficiency of triangular cutter projected area facet in CLP calculation is improved, therefore the tool trajectory generation is speed up.
(21) The Gold Award went to 'Mechanical Proof Load Testing', a technological initiative from CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd - North Region.
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