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AMPS in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2018-01-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: campsitelamp shadelampshadelampstandeclampsianew hampshirepre-eclampsiachamps elysees
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1. He remembered the steam, the amps under his skin.
2. What's more, modern transistor-powered amps and PA systems are just as welcome as valve-driven vintage stuff.
3. Many master volume amps can give a fair simulation of flat out response at reasonable output levels by overloading the preamp.
4. The peak anode current is a massive 250 Amps.
5. The good effectiveness of AMPS copolymers had been demonstrated in field application.
6. The optimal synthesizing technics of P(AMPS/NIPA) dualistic hydrogel initiated by microwave low temperature plasma was confirmed.
7. When designing the LPF based on ideal Op Amps, the coupling effects of nonideal Op Amps are omitted, resulting in dissatisfactory performance of LPF.
8. FDMA is a basic technology in the analog Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS), the most widely-installed cellular phone system installed in North America.
9. The results showed that the AM/AMPS/C18DMAAC terpolymer had better salt tolerance, heat resistance and ability of shear resistance than the polyacrylamide.
10. The influence of AMPS on the mechanical properties of latex film and stability of emulsion was studied.
11. Advanced Mobile Phone Service ( AMPS ) is an example of a 1 G mobile network standard.
12. IR analysis shows that SA is an AMPS - TA binary copolymer.
13. IR spectrum analysis indicates that AMPS - EP contains epoxy groups ,( sulfonic acid groups and sulfonic ester groups.
14. I also use a Boogie and split the signal from a foot pedal to two amps usually.
15. Plus it has an effects loop, and a preamp out for slaving up to other power amps, and so on.
16. The first shot at 16kA achieved currents up to 60,000 amps for one tenth of a second.
17. There's also a full repair service for guitars and amps, with valve amps a speciality.
18. Because of that I have a stereo mix on stage and a monitor for my amps, which is basically two 4x12 cabs.
19. I personally feel it's a shame that certain manufacturers are making amps to please thrash metallers only.
20. If I want a different sound altogether I have a collection of Fender amps.
21. The bigger the venue, the less you can hear your own amps anyway.
22. Another is expressing controversial opinions, so we obligingly lined up a few that focus on guitars and amps ....
23. Sexually menacing and effeminately feral, he prowled cat-like across the stage, perching on amps and lights in seemingly impossible positions.
24. Behind them rose plumes of steam lit from below by the crackling death of his amps.
25. Both materials were removed in a 550-torr helium arc discharge sustained by 28 V at 70 amps d.c.
26. The hand drill is rated to draw maximum current of about 3.5 this is a reasonably efficient transfer of power!
27. The capabilities of temperature resistance and salt tolerance of hydropHobic associative polymers with mezzo content of AMPS are better on the fixed ratio of hydropHobic content.
28. A copolymer ( SPAM ) was prepared with starch, acrylamide ( AM ), 2— methy —2— acrylamidy - propyl sulfonic acid ( AMPS ) and Methacryloyloxyethyl trimethylammonium ...
29. A typical mistake in designing a Teradata Primary Index is to simply combine a number of columns to evenly distribute data across Teradata AMPs.
30. 2— methy —2— acrylamidy - propyl sulfonic acid ( AMPS ) and Methacryloyloxyethyl trimethylammonium choride ( ...
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