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400 in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+18Posted:2018-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one hundred more than three hundred. 
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151 Nearly 400 road marshals will be involved in crowd control.
152 Woolworth Corp. executives brought the curtain down Thursday on the venerable but money-losing chain of 400 five-and-dime stores.
153 At 354 grams, it compares favourably with its competitors which lurch towards the 400 mark.
154 He is paid $ 148, 400 a year to preside over what is the largest civilian agency in the executive branch.
155 On Feb. 25 almost 400,000 soldiers and police were deployed across the country to guard polling booths.
156 In four rounds of voting on July 24 and 26 none received the necessary backing of two-thirds of the 400 deputies.
157 In full stride in the 400 meters, his head is arched back, his step shorter than the classic sprinter.
158 LeroiGourhan and his followers have catalogued some 400 of them.
159 The cost of hardware is falling every week, until recently the modem itself could have cost over £400!
160 At Philips, a world-wide international corporation with 400,000 employees, most innovation projects are undertaken within 14 product divisions.
161 Its initial long-range plan, published in 1962, called for $ 400 million in capital improvements from the-state.
162 Military traffic has been crossing the new pontoon bridge since Dec. 31 at a rate up to 400 vehicles each day.
163 More than 400 competitors in all, from the age of 5 upwards, gave their backing to the championships.
164 The government ration card system allows an urban family to buy a case of imported beer for about 400 Kwanza.
165 More than two-thirds were privately educated and 400 went to Eton.
166 The holiday costs about £400 for a week's accommodation and flights.
167 Levels of sulphur dioxide in the air reached 2,400 microgrammes per cubic metre over the weekend.
168 Memorex promises to offer its higher capacity libraries to AS/400 users soon.
169 The cost of these changes are prices roughly £400 less than the five-door versions and highly competitive with the opposition.
170 The mainframe will soon be history, the AS/400 is still worth saving, but time is desperately short.
171 The lawsuit later became a class action, representing about 1, 400 current and former black Texaco employees.
172 The Institute of Mining and Metallurgy estimates that some 400 jobs could be created by the recent exploration successes.
173 Return to oven; bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.
174 The thin layers that constitute the laser head are only 400 atoms thick.
175 The middle 50 percent earned between $ 40, 900 and $ 55, 400.
176 Gold prices closed above $ 400 an ounce last Wednesday for the first time since August, 1993.
177 The Hussite Church, founded in 1920, was the second largest religious denomination in Czechoslovakia, with some 400,000 adherents.
178 About 400 people work in the building on a normal business day, he said.
179 Mr Peter Allen, the Liberal Democrat candidate was pushed into third place with about 8,400 votes.
180 In addition, he took 350,000 prisoners, some 400 artillery pieces and I, 300 machine-guns.
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