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300 in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+26Posted:2018-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one hundred more than two hundred. 
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91. 300 war veterans took part in the parade and march-past.
92. Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates.
93. They examined the way in which information flowed between the firm's 300 employees.
94. Today's announcement of 300 redundancies does not augur well for the local economy.
95. Organisers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march.
96. There's no way I'm going to pay £300 just for a weekend in Paris.
97. I wouldn't pay 300 for his old car it's too steep.
98. We receive anything from 60 to 300 calls a day.
99. Landmines still kill or maim about 300 people every month.
100. They have lifted water from the Yellow River onto the high land and reaped a good cotton harvest on a 300 - acre tract.
101. Tom is likely to hold out for more than 300 pound's price.
102. This is a reversion to the system under which the Royals were paid for nearly 300 years.
103. The company's shares promptly fell by 300 lire on the stock market.
104. The company issued warrants for 300,000 shares of Common Stock.
105. These computers range in price from £1 300 to £2 000.
106. Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.
107. The number of managers has expanded from 700 to 1,300.
108. Apart from the 10 officers, a crew of 90 looks after the 300 passengers.
109. UN planes have made air drops to 300 flood-hit villages.
110. Well, you want $400 and I say $300, so let's compromise at/on $350.
111. The BBC had to field more than 300 phone calls after last night's programme.
112. The money that I owe you for the telephone together with the rent equals £300.
113. Rumour has it that tickets were being sold for £300.
114. It would cost $300 million to decommission the nuclear installation.
115. The Canadian government has retreated from a plan to kill 300 wolves.
116. The thieves got clean away with $300(,000 worth of equipment.
117. Only 300 people came to the match and to add insult to injury , the floodlights went out during the second half.
118. 300 tons of Peruvian mangoes were kept from entering France.
119. 300 students occupied the building and over 50 went on hunger strike .
120. He was fined $300,000 for making inaccurate statements to Congress.
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