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2 in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+100Posted:2017-11-16Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number. adj. being one more than one. 
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241. Torino notched up a 2 - 1 win at Lazio.
242. The House began sitting at 3 p.m./rose at 2 a.m.
243. The yuan recovered a little; it now hovers around 8.2 to the dollar.
244. They became the first company in their field to pass the £2 billion turn-over mark.
245. I didn't start worrying/to worry until she was 2 hours late.
246. This layer of brain tissue is no thicker than 2 mm.
247. A charge of £ 2 for a cup of coffee is daylight robbery.
248. In Chapter 2 she goes on to test the plausibility of these assumptions.
249. The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people.
250. Inflation is going to rise 2% from its present level.
251. lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
252. They paid $2 million to the world champion to endorse their new aftershave.
253. She was 2 minutes faster than her nearest rival .
254. She gave a lecture to 2,000 fellow scientists in Kyoto.
255. Unemployment in the first half of 1993 was 2% lower than in the same period the year before.
256. The Dutch champions were denied victory in a tough 2?2 draw at Porto.
257. The total debits on the account were £2 000 last month.
258. Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals.
259. Having read Page 1, he turned over to page 2.
260. is divisible by 2 and 4, but not by 3.
261. In California, Hispanics make up 19.2 percent of the
262. Their industrial output went down again in December, which meant a fall of 2.2% over the year.
263. The directors have reported a deficit of 2.5 million dollars.
264. She turned down £1.2 million to pose nude in Playboy.
265. Germany saved their face by getting 2 points in the last minute and drawing the match.
266. By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed.
267. Each employee may subscribe for up to £2,000 worth of shares.
268. I pulled out into the eastbound lane of Route 2.
269. Today's specials include children's T-shirts and pants for only 2.99.
270. The view was that the economy would grow by 2.25 per cent. This would limit unemployment to around 2.5 million.
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