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Recollection in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+9Posted:2017-04-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: anamnesisrecallremembrancereminiscenceSimilar words: collectiondata collectionrecollectcollectivizationcollectivecollectingcollectivelycollectivityMeaning: [‚rekə'lekʃn]  n. 1. the ability to recall past occurrences 2. the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort) 3. something recalled to the mind. 
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91. Recognition memory dual - processing models implicate distinct retrieval processes of familiarity and recollection.
92. In this respect, Woolf usually employs such techniques as internal analysis, internal monologue, recollection, free association, and symbolic marks.
93. The concordant function of recollection enables an individual to find harmony with the world.
94. In read in g the above sentence, a curious apothegm of an old weather-beaten Dutch navigator come full upon my recollection.
95. He had a clear recollection of having witnessed the event.
96. She had a sudden burst of recollection and had to share it with me.
97. His recollection of having a flag torn off his army uniform mixes sadness, outrage and poetry in a manner that is quintessentially Wilsonian.
98. SLG in this game, you will be a recollection of the Middle Ages a period of soul-stirring World War: the famous Richard the Lionheart to lead holy crusade.
99. In comparison of Norland, it was poor and small indeed!--but the tears which recollection called forth as they entered the house were soon dried away.
100. Explicit memory is a conscious recollection of either episodic or semantic memory.
101. Jiangdi Lilongwe Korea is undoubtedly the most box office appeal of the current directors, in the vast majority of the audience's recollection, the film is from the "Shengsidiebian" began.
102. Energy-saving technologies, such as frequency conversion, heat recollection and ice storage, are rarely applied and only a part of buildings conduct energy-saving operation.
103. Suddenly his mind filled with the recollection of a song she used to sing.
104. The recollection of your sister's destitute condition determined me on an effort to save my life.
105. Batarfi's recollection is corroborated by Jamal Khashoggi, a former acquaintance of bin Laden's who is now an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
106. The good dream brings the recollection that you dulcify, does the so bad dream, evil-foreboding dream, strange dream bring you what?
107. The rest of the half - year is a jumble in my recollection.
108. At last(, a sudden recollection seemed to flash upon him.
109. In the lower world Ajax chose to be a lion, guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.
110. The record classics, detain the recollection, " Knight-errant swordsman World" plays the video recording function to bring the brand - new game to experience!
111. In the nighttime version, by contrast, violent white lines cross the image in all directions, obfuscating a washed-out bed of flowers reduced to a symbolic recollection of its previous likeness.
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