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Chief executive in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+2Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: executiveexecutionconsecutiveexecutechief of stateprosecutiondiminutivepersecuteMeaning: n. 1. the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government 2. the office of the United States head of state. 
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91. In my opinion, appointing his son as chief executive was a serious error of judgment.
92. According to chief executive Max Pearce, the loss for this year would total around £500,000.
93. To a large extent, initiative in policy formation is centered in the chief executive.
94. Williams Holdings, the industrial holding company, was weaker after the company confirmed Brian McGowan is to resign as chief executive.
95. The decision to look outside the bank for a chief executive is likely to assuage some critics of Barclays in the City.
96. Chief executive Arno Bohn told me that securing skilled labour for its Stuttgart plant was no problem.
97. The chief executive or clerk of the authority will tell the councillor when they apply to him.
98. Other defensive measure have included the long-awaited decision by Sir Rocco Forte to separate his chairman and chief executive jobs.
99. But it is difficult to imagine Monsanto's chief executive, Robert Shapiro, frightened by a salvo of well-drafted leaflets.
100. My first question is a result of a telephone conversation with Graham Bowie, chief executive of Lothian region.
101. Tomkins also announced that it had hired an executive search firm to help appoint a new chief executive.
102. As president, he succeeds Anthony Autorino, 56, who remains chairman and chief executive officer.
103. I am not willing to be interviewed only to be compared with the chief executive of some Midlands council.
104. What A Chief Executive Can Learn from Mother Teresa?
105. In a speech Monday in Frankfurt(, Deutsche Bank chief executive Josef Ackermann warned of a 'new normalcy' of a volatile global economy and general market shakiness.
106. In 1942, Jiangsu Institute Medical Parasitology was established, he and Chief Executive Officer and develop postgraduates.
107. S . dollars . Bank chief executive officer Robert Steele is known as the " hot potato. "
108. Svati Bhogle, chief executive of TIDE, said the award "gives us the motivation to venture into uncharted terrain, to first break new ground and then develop it into a beaten track".
109. It will cease to work as an ecosystem if we allow this destruction to carry on, " said John Burton, chief executive of the Word Land Trust.
110. But Chief Executive Mark Parker did talk of a "swoosh recovery," equating gradual improvement in the world economy with the upward curve of the company's logo.
111. Spyker Chief Executive Victor Muller, in a reply to Reuters via text message, responded "No," when asked if Spyker was in contact with Genii about a joint bid for Saab or had changed its strategy.
112. Matt Shardlow , chief executive of Buglife , the Invertebrate Conservation Trust, said:'British wildlife is in crisis.
113. Board members are appointed by the Chief Executive . The board meets fortnightly to consider applications.
114. A former chief executive of microchip company Advanced Micro Devices has been linked to an alleged insider trading ring at hedge fund Galleon Group.
115. "People are terminating their contracts with Lehman, " said Robert G. Pickel,( executive.html) chief executive of the association. "People are trying to close those positions and come up with values."
116. Citigroup's say-on-pay defeat helped paved the way for last October's departure of Chief Executive Vikram Pandit.
117. Eventually it turned to conflict and, after a bust-up with chief executive John Sculley in 1985, he quit the company that made him rich.
118. While mentioning the Asian economic mode in future, Zeng Yinquan, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR of the PRC said that the unification of the currency could help Asia to achieve unification.
119. That's not what former Citigroup Chief Executive Sanford Weill envisioned when the company was created in 1998 by the combination of Citicorp and Travelers Group.
120. Mr Long will be merged company's chief executive and Mr Frenzel will take over as chairman.
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