Similar words: twirl, swirl, swirly, swirling, hot-wire, hot wire, airless, hairless. Meaning: n. 1. someone who twirls a baton 2. (baseball) the person who does the pitching.
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1 A baton twirler carried the flag.
2 I always wanted to be a baton twirler.
3 I didn't know you were a baton twirler.
4 A baton twirler led the brass band.
5 She was born in Moscow, Idaho, where she was a champion baton twirler and once won a county fair prize for growing a deformed potato that had the profile of Jimmy Durante.
More similar words: twirl, swirl, swirly, swirling, hot-wire, hot wire, airless, hairless, sinclair lewis, vladimir lenin, shirley temple, curler, hurler, wheeler-dealer, clerical error, wire, wiry, wired, wiring, wire in, rewire, IRL, guy wire, wireman, haywire, wiretap, girl, wireless, live wire, high wire.