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Trace back to in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2017-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: date back tobacktrackback to backback-to-backgo back tobounce backracetrackspacebar
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1. His family traces back to the Norman Conquest.
2. Many modern festivals can be traced back to an ancient past.
3. The rumour was traced back to Tom.
4. The practice of giving eggs at Easter can be traced back to festivals in ancient China.
5. The dispute can be traced back to resentments which have festered for centuries.
6. The friendly relationship between the two countries traces back to the last century.
7. A lot of emotional problems can be traced back to childhood.
8. The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.
9. The rumor has been traced back to a bad man.
10. Her fear of water can be traced back to a childhood accident.
11. It is a fundamental concept that can be traced back to earliest times.
12. It can be traced back to nineteenth-century philanthropists like the early socialist entrepreneur Robert Owen and various Quaker-owned businesses.
13. Such a correlation between sound and sign can be traced back to the age of Neanderthal Man.
14. Barber argues that these traits can be traced back to three components of personal development and socialization.
15. However(, nearly all funboard technique problems can be traced back to deficiencies in the strong wind stance.
16. The custom of carving jack-o'-lanterns can be traced back to an old Irish folk tale.
17. So much for a tradition whose origins may be traced back to early classical times!
18. They fell into clearly identifiable categories, many of which can be traced back to the nineteenth century and beyond.
19. The roots of this new fascination can be traced back to the heart of minimalism.
20. The weakening position can be traced back to the Hatfield crash last October, in which four people died.
21. Content: The beginning of decoration can trace back to later period of the Old Stone Age.
22. The problem of Regionalism can trace back to remote ancientry, it came out with the country.
23. He said that these tomatoes trace back to the southern Ukraine during the early 19 th century.
24. Her fear of water can be trace back to a childhood accident.
25. The beginning of decoration can trace back to later period of the Old Stone Age.
26. Trace back to 17 th century, they joined in the same ancestor, Robert Spencer , second Earl of Sunderland, Knight.
27. The origin on Thanksgiving Day should trace back to the making a start of U.
28. It's history can on trace back to The Canterbury Tales of G·Chaucer.
29. Chapter 4, From to tradition culture of the basic valuation commence, trace back to the traditional culture the process that replace, and discuss basic trend that modernize of culture.
30. With a long history of thousands years, the ancient Chinese dak and post and the ancient Chinese tourism can trace back to the early ancient times.
More similar words: date back tobacktrackback to backback-to-backgo back tobounce backracetrackspacebarcomebackcome backdie backbarebacksebaceoustake backdate backmove backgive backdrive backhorsebackon the back ofdouble backstrike backlinebackersticklebackto the backbonesebaceous cystsebaceous glanda stab in the backbackspacehorseback riding
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