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Scnt in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2018-09-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another. 
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1. For the application of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), low cloning efficiency is a great barrier.
2. The procedure of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is likely to affect the expression level of growth-related genes especially imprinting genes.
3. This paper introduces the methods of zona-free SCNT and the single embryo culture system.
4. Computer program SCNT is presented in this paper which can convert a two-phase SC network into its continuous-time model.
5. These results indicate that SCNT could produced transgenic pigs effectively, and by cell transfection, selection and identification, higher transgenic efficiency will be achieved.
6. In SCNT, the somatic nuclei must be remodeled from highly differentiated patterns to a totipotent embryonic pattern.
7. This study provides useful information for the SCNT and would benefit in promoting the efficiency.
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8. Incomplete epigenetic reprogramming is suspected to cause the abnormalities and the low efficacy associated with SCNT.
9. The Korean team announced this past February that they had created a human embryo through SCNT, grew it into a blastocyst and derived a pluripotent ES cell line.
10. To elucidate the epigenetic reprogramming threshold for proper development will surly be helpful to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying SCNT animals surviving to adulthood.
11. In this paper, we mainly focus on the key technology and its difficulties of SCNT in cloning pigs, including its applications and approach of increasing t...
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