Similar words: methylamine, phenylalanine, lysergic acid diethylamide, methylphenidate, phenyl, diethyl ether, hydroxylamine, phenylketonuria.
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1. Chocolate: This favorite for Valentine's Day contains phenylethylamine, one of the chemicals your body produces naturally when you're in love (see The Chemistry of Love).
2. PEA or phenylethylamine is a chemical that speeds up the flow of information between nerve cells.
3. Chocolate : Chocolate contains phenylethylamine which helps to release dopamine, which in turn stimulates the production of the "cuddle hormone, " known as oxytocin.
4. Phenylethylamine is also found in chocolate. It's related to amphetamines , which are strong stimulants.
5. Chocolate has phenylethylamine and serotonin, two chemicals that light up pleasure areas in the brain.
6. The enzymatic resolution of 1 - phenylethylamine by amidation reaction in organic medium was studied.
7. Chocolate is one of the foods cross-over aphrodisiac foods. Chocolate contains a chemical (phenylethylamine) that is a stimulant perhaps related to stimulation and arousal.
8. There are those who may be addicted to that love "high." They need that amphetamine-like rush of dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine.
9. They could have been right-research shows chocolate contains the chemical phenylethylamine, the same substance the brain produces when people fall in love.
More similar words: methylamine, phenylalanine, lysergic acid diethylamide, methylphenidate, phenyl, diethyl ether, hydroxylamine, phenylketonuria, cyclohexylamine, ethylene, methylated, methylation, polyethylene, ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, thylacine, methamphetamine, methylated spirit, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyethylene terephthalate, aminophenol, acetaminophen, lamine, melamine, calamine, phentermine, amphetamine, thylakoid, laminectomy, catecholamine.