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Optional feature in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-12-17Updated:2024-12-17
Similar words: architectural featurepsychological featurefeature selectionfeature extractionfeature analysisoptionalfeatureoptionally
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1 Storage compression is available as an optional feature.
2 I built in another optional feature of M3G.
3 This is an optional feature.
4 Message groups are a little-known optional feature of JMS.
5 Schema-awareness is an optional feature in XSLT 2.0.
6 This is really an optional feature and ClearQuest test management can be deployed successfully without establishing file locations for test motivators.
7 JSR 170 treats transactional support as an optional feature and does not impose a standard way of exposing the transactional hooks so each implementation can chose a different method.
8 An optional feature of the JDBC 3.0 specification is the ability to retrieve auto-generated key information for a row when the row is inserted into a table.
9 It will always be an optional feature in olap4j, but we hope that at least Palo and Mondrian will implement it.
10 For the Domino server, there is the optional feature to restart it after the diagnostic information has been collected.
11 Live Application Mobility is actually an optional feature that is enabled within the WPAR manager component.
12 The order of queue execution is variable: An optional feature, on by default, will reorder test execution based on results of a previous run, yet still showing the results in order.
13 It also provides an optional feature to assemble, deploy and manage Java applications as a collection of versioned OSGi bundles.
14 It also has an optional feature, PowerHA/XD, which provides clients with business continuity in case of a major disaster.
15 We first introduced annotations, as an optional feature, in Spring 1.2, and we've gradually added more.
16 Change to true in order to install an optional feature.
17 The optional feature works just like the desktop version does, showing search results as you type in the address field,( a handy feature for mobile search users.
18 The parallel forEach construct has an optional feature -- a completionCondition that can be used to terminate the forEach construct before completing all parallel loop instances.
19 In iterative development, this is much like substituting one optional feature for another as we continually learn about our project and our customer needs.
20 New for 2.0, this function can also test for all three optional feature modules described in Part 3 of this series: Schema Awareness, Backwards Compatibility, and Serialization.
More similar words: architectural featurepsychological featurefeature selectionfeature extractionfeature analysisoptionalfeatureoptionallyfeaturedoptional informationfeaturettefeature filmfeaturelessmain featuresfeature spacesafety featurefeature vectordouble featurefeature-lengthfeature articlematurationaloptional equipmentproduct featureslanguage featureoptional parametersdistinctive featureattractive featureoptimization algorithmrecreational facilitystructural-functional
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