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One-handed in a sentence

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Sentence count:39Posted:2019-06-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bare-handedbarehandedfree-handedfreehandedsinglehandedsingle-handedsingle-handedlyon one handMeaning: adj. having or using a single hand. 
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1. Hill missed a one-handed 35-footer at the buzzer.
2. He played snooker one-handed, and swam.
3. When he held it out Ordai took it one-handed, folding it awkwardly before tucking it under his arm.
4. There was Stanley, one-handed Stanley, hook-handed Stanley, listening in his little hut to his radio.
5. Birmingham's Swift boxed for half the fight one-handed after damaging his right fist.
6. Otherwise, chopsticks are practical for one-handed eating, if the food is cut up for the patient.
7. A one-handed fencing stick; a singlestick.
8. He fumbled his one-handed attempt to light his cigarette.
9. She's tall, muscular, and uses a one-handed backhand.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. Sneakattacks do 6x damage with one-handed weapons.
11. The trend towards one-handed eatingone "multi-purpose" fork held in the right handhas been common in America for the best part of a decade.
12. Shamans can wear medium armor and can use one-handed blunt weapons, two handed piercing weapons, and shields.
13. Learn how to do a one-handed cut to reveal cards with sleight of hand techniques from a real magician in this free card tricks video.
14. Since there is equality of conditions, one-handed hero is fully in the advantages.
15. He had injured his left hand and was typing one-handed.
16. They were Francis pushing the ball ahead to Mobley to finish off a fast break with a one-handed jam.
17. The boy stroked the girl's side, twisting the walkman lead around his fingers in a one-handed cat's cradle.
18. It is usually easy to secure a canvas or needlepoint frame in clamps so that the patient can work one-handed on them.
19. Then, from a McKinlay free kick, McPherson forced Fridge to make a spectacular, one-handed save.
20. Glenavon keeper Robbie Beck was a virtual spectator but earned his pay-packet with a brilliant one-handed save from sub Michael Surgeon.
21. Though my extension ladder hardly compared to the water tower, scaling it one-handed while lugging the chain hoist or a 2 x 4 made my knees wobbly.
22. High-tension coil springs open the blade fully for quick, one-handed access.
23. A popular software application on Apple's iPhone, called Stanza, already turns that device into a book reader, with one-handed page turning that is ideal for public transport.
24. This is highly appropriate for computer users who are unable to use a two -handed keyboard. One-handed users and users with no hands love Dasher.
25. We are making two kinds of shield (healer and tank) and one-handed tanking weapons.
26. In addition to packing lightweight plastic signal mirrors, well-designed whistles and flints that can be used one-handed, each kit contains a special type of tinder called WetFire.
27. Self-discipline is among the most valuable lessons a man can learn, right up there with unfastening a bra one-handed.
28. Gloves: The way William had to put white gloves on before entering the carriage, not to mention the practiced aplomb with which he did up the buttons one-handed.
29. Twenty-six new patents were issued in the 80s alone, for refinements in "mouth comfort, splash reduction, friction fit, mating engagement, and one-handed activation."
30. You might not have to risk your life any longer sending out one-handed Tweets on your Blackberry or iPhone, while trying to hide the fact that you are doing so under the dashboard.
More similar words: bare-handedbarehandedfree-handedfreehandedsinglehandedsingle-handedsingle-handedlyon one handon the one handplay a lone handunderhandedhandedtwo-handedoffhandedham-handedred-handedhanded-downbackhandedhandednessoffhandedlyopenhandedleft-handedeven-handedevenhandedopen-handedhigh-handedone-halfempty-handedright-handedshorthanded
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