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Mold in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+3Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: carvecrumbledecaydeterioratedisintegrateformmodelrotsculptureshapespoilSimilar words: moltmoltensmoldermollifymoltingmoleculeimmolationseismologyMeaning: [məʊld]  n. 1. the distinctive form in which a thing is made 2. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens 3. loose soil rich in organic matter 4. the process of becoming mildewed 5. a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter 6. sculpture produced by molding. v. 1. form in clay, wax, etc 2. become moldy; spoil due to humidity 3. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold 4. make something, usually for a specific function 5. fit tightly, follow the contours of 6. shape or influence; give direction to. 
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91 The night air is usually cool enough to serve as a deterrent to mold growth.
92 L Direction: Cleanse hair and swab down , apply appropriate amount evenly over hair to mold hairstyle.
93 Vibratory compactability of dry sand in full mold foundry has been researched by experiments on effective factors such as vibratory direction, dimensions, frequency, acceleration and dry sand sorts.
94 Station level in more complicated in structure, of course, together with the demanding, mold manufacture, debug and maintain a certain degree of difficulty.
95 The invention discloses a method of preparing controlled hollow gold nanoball based on synangium mold plates.
96 One method to make casting sand mold directly from the bozzetto ( mud - draft ) of the sculpture is introduced.
97 To design Strain Relief, inner mold and over mold for matching housing and mechanical test.
98 The volume-produce of word-wheel box was realized by employing he hot runner mold.
99 The improved design is increased in the fixed mold core, which change first parting into second parting and demould the inverted cone mandatorily.
100 Chapter 5 pieces of plastic injection mold assembly, UG application modules will be assembled in the above work in the design of the components by matching the type and orderly assembly together.
101 If a production mold is made from a master mold that is made from the master model, it is a second generation production mold.
102 How about a cake mold, to make self-righting pineapple upside-down cake?
103 The sedan camshafts re-melting and chilling process and production technique of shell mold camshaft castings to he re-melted and chilled were
104 Frizzy - haired , friendless , neurotic a collector of comic books, Seth broke the mold on modern day protagonists.
105 Firstly, the structure of injection mold is analyzed by use of GT, mold parts are classified to 4 types of ones: cavity or core, mold plate, structure and standard parts.
106 Modern Mold & Die has a readership over 100, 000.
107 Among our products , the hole of pipelining, produced with special punch mold, has a good denseness.
108 Towards model machine template and mold board rust[], Antirusts gets up protect effect.
109 Above it, injector apparatus, blowing apparatus, turn device, shedder, emergency door, gas path system, mold temperature controlling distributor, water and electricity divider, etc.
110 The mold cavity was obtained by splitting mold base in parting surface.
111 The research status on the mold filling of expendable pattern casting process is reviewed from the aspects of mold filling characteristics, heat and mass transfer.
112 The structure design and working process of injection mold for the mobile phone outer cover were introduced. The design method of the special slide block was stated in detail.
113 Second, in the field, the prevention effect of the garlic and volatile oil of Mosla chinensis on Tomato early blight and Tomato leaf mold matched the one of Chlorothalonile.
114 Gas assisted plastics injection molding process includes injection of polymer melt into mold cavity and then injection of gas-compressed into the polymer melt.
115 The preparation technique for cobaltous aluminate, the coating mold wall and casting process are also introduced.
116 An introduction was made to volumetric changes of castings and dimension changes of mold cavity occurring during liquid cooling and solidification of nodular iron castings.
117 In 1928 Alec Fleming (now remembered as Sir Alexander Fleming) named the juice he extracted from some mold penicillin.
118 MF Heel Protectors help relieve spurs and fissured heels. Mold to patients foot.
119 At the same time, the customers own the right to use the private or open mold for their products.
120 As a result, it is possible to get a better discharge flow in the feeding zone of the ingot mold where the discharge device of molten steel is placed, in addition to less turbulence.
More similar words: moltmoltensmoldermollifymoltingmoleculeimmolationseismologyepistemology
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