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L in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+4Posted:2016-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [el]  n. 1. a metric unit of capacity equal to the volume of 1 kilogram of pure water at 4 degrees centigrade and 760 mm of mercury (or approximately 1.76 pints) 2. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five 3. a cgs unit of illumination equal to the brightness of a perfectly diffusing surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter 4. the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet. adj. being ten more than forty. 
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211, Consider their response to a steady sinusoidal input signal when a load resistance R L is connected across the output terminals.
212, This eventually passed. l lent him some money for the last time.
213, Nor could the G.L.C. defend its policy on the basis that it possessed a mandate to lower fares.
214, The outputs are used to directly drive an l.e.d. display, with the l.e.d.s arranged in series pairs as shown.
215, The lower limits of sensitivity for glucagon and atrial natriuretic peptide assay were 3.7 pmol/l and 1.1 pmol/l, respectively.
216, With a steep L curve and a shallow I curve, the effect on aggregate demand will be much greater.
217, There are a number of other factors which influence wage differentials: l Different jobs have different non-monetary advantages and disadvantages.
218, I own my own home. l own another home in Lake Tahoe. l have stocks.
219, Brassica oleracea L . var . capitata L.
220, Conclusion:The major composition of the seed oil in Onopordum acanthium L. is 9[],12 -Octa- decadienoic acid.
221, This study established a database about genetic diversity of L. monocytogenes isolates from food in China, which can be used in the surveillance of listeriosis.
222, Use of industrial diesel oil, L, V series engine, four-stroke, turbocharged, direct injection. High-pressure lubrication system. , Optional open or closed cycle.
223, In der Bundesliga sind Poldi ( L. ) und Clemens Fritz ( Bremen ) Rivalen. In der Nationalelf Kollegen .
224, In pot experiment, the effects of Mn stress on the physiological resistance of Mirabilis jalapa Linn, Calendula officinalis L.
225, Objective:To provide the foundation for reasonable utilization by analyzing the essential oils of Lantana camara L. in the leaf and the flower part.
226, Objectives: To study the inhibition and mechanisms of n-butanol fraction of Potentilla anserine L. against hypoxia -induced calcium overload in myocardial cells.
227, Objective: To study the contents of cytochrome b, c, aa3and the effects of Rubia cordifolia L. on myocardiocytes of senile mice induced by D-gal.
228, Results In rats with spleen deficiency induced by long-time administration of Rheum palmatum L. the slow wave frequency and amplitude of colon decreased.
229, The penicillin sensitivity test and L phase test for the Pseudomonas pseudomallei were conducted to clarify the role of serum antibody and complements in bacteriocidal action.
230, Straight B/L is of transport document that is not negotiable and thus is of no such legal effects as a document of title.
231, This system select integrate chip SY 87700 L to realize bIt'synchronizing reliably.
232, Effect of different stress on roots activity and nitrate reductase activity in Zea mays L.
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233, D. L. Barnes: I do not understand how Taylor's differential system can be applied to both an apprentice and journeyman and under conditions of limited work.
234, The anti-tumor activities and mechanism of Erythrina variegata L. extract were investigated.
235, The exudates of the glandular trichome on the green leaf surface of Nicotiana tabacum L. is the important precursor of the aroma and flavour matter of cured tacco leaf.
236, As such the Forte LPI Hybrid uses a 1.6 L liquefied petroleum gas engine, producing 114 horsepower.
237, The objective of this study was the optimization of the extraction process for total polyphenols from the tree branch bark of Xinjiang black mulberry (Morus nigra L. ) by response surface methodology.
238, A new colour reaction of L - cysteine - phytic acid has been researched.
239, The guidelines will contribute to improving the quality of Artemisia annua L to further develop artemisinin-based medicines, and help ensure a sustainable supply to meet market demand.
240, Capparis Spinosa L is a winter-deciduous medical shrubs with the high ability to drought resistance.
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