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Dona in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: donateDonaldon and ondonatordonateddonativedonationdonatelloMeaning: n. a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for a woman. 
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1. There is no way Dona could have left her married life and children behind to sail the seas with pirate lover.
2. I wanted to find out something secret about Dona Charito.
3. But Cesarea motions for Dona Eustaquia to get the salt herself.
4. Dona wanted to be alone and was bored with social graces.
5. Mack, Dona,( and many other men and with life.
6. Dona is a friend of mine.
7. Dona eis requiem sempiternam. Grant them eternal rest.
8. Dona was rejoicing in her new - found freedom.
9. Dona: What is that huge tent over there?
10. Oct 1988 - Dona Marilyn, sister ship of Dona Paz, sinks off Leyte province, killing around 300.
11. Buried in the vast marshlands of the Dona Ana Park they found a strange series of 'memorial cities,' built in Atlantis' image by the refugees who fled the destructive tsunami.
12. It was adapted for Special English by Dona de Sanctis.
13. A. progrherewouls dona flow and decoding the output to the TV set.
14. Next was dona Eustacia . She asked for one of my seguetas for scraping pots.
15. Mara Dona, an international superstar, was the pride of Argentina. Argentina is also famous for its tango in the world.
16. You don't need a college degree to become a doula, but to be competitive in the field you should be certified by Doulas of North America (
17. He bacame enthusiastic : " Have you read Dona Barbara? "
18. Dona ?t forget that the agent can also be enabled in the local mail file, which will not show up in the server "tell amgr schedule" command.
19. She had a much more difficult decision to make than Dona did, and had no obvious options.
20. Dona Mencia takes place in Madrid in two different spots: in the home of Dona Mencia and in a convent.
21. Dec 1987 - A total of 4,386 die in world's worst peacetime shipping disaster, as ferry Dona Paz, owned by Sulpicio Lines, and an oil tanker collide off Mindoro Island.
22. SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: You have just heard "The Diamond Lens" by Fitz-James O'Brien. It was adapted for Special English by Dona de Sanctis. Your storyteller was Maurice Joyce.
23. This is the Conference and dot to do look like Dona ring.
24. Here is a slide 45 minute presentation by Klaus Dona interviewed by Bill Ryan.
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