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Delaying in a sentence

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Sentence count:123+2Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: slayingplayingdelaysayingdelayedstrayingdismayinggo without saying
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61 The organization blamed delaying tactics by Prime Minister John Major for its decision to end the cease-fire.
62 Delaying reimplantation till at least 6 months after resection.
63 Cytokinin is an important phytohormone involved in delaying senescence of plant leaf, and isopentenyl transferase (IPT) gene encodes the key enzyme that catalyzes cytokinin biosynthesis.
64 The research showed that the GUH-1 not only has excellent derosination, detergency and corrosion delaying, but also has better biodegradability which has little pollution to the environment.
65 In the long struggle to reconcile industrial absolutism and political democracy, Court played a delaying action.
66 The controller comprises a power circuit, a control circuit, an interlock circuit, a delaying reset circuit, a startup recording meter, a sound indication circuit and an interlock circuit.
67 Results Hewei decoction had promoting action on delaying gastrointestinal motility and inhibitory action on sthenic gastrointesti...
68 Jane's new boyfriend is a clockless worker, he is always delaying their date because of his work.
69 They see that people in this age bracket are delaying marriage.
70 Objective To explore the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of delaying enteroparalysis following acute abdomen.
71 In addition, Silymarin has the function of anti radiation and, arteriosclerosis preventing, skin - aging delaying.
72 Motivating oneself . Emotional self - control -- delaying gratification and stifling impulsiveness -- underlies accomplishment of every sort.
73 Many of the overhaul provisions are controversial and the legislation has bogged down in Congress, possibly delaying reforms until 2010 or resulting in a watered-down package.
74 Various numerous skin care products and cosmetics have emerged for delaying consenescence and skin ageing.
75 Safflower Seed Oil is rich in Natural Vitamin E and has strong antioxidant properties. It could accelerate the cell division and important to delaying senility.
76 The age that although arrived, should ablactation , also want to defer, after delaying cool autumn days[], ablactation again not late.
77 Load up Windows faster by using Startup Delayer, a free program that will speed up the boot time of Windows by delaying the startup of programs.
78 The antioxidant function of OPC contained in canary-creepers can protect the structure and tissues from the radical damage, thus delaying the caducity .
79 Hypothyroidism can result in a series of disorders in development and function of brain, including delaying the generation and differentiation of cell, degression of learning and
80 Getting this vote through is one thing, but all it is doing is delaying the inevitable. ...
81 Delaying their retirement by raising pensionable age might make sense.
82 Results 11 patients developed delaying enteroparalysis, whereas the patients who undertook laparoscopic procedure did not occur.
83 Conclusion Bunaozhengwei Capsule had the effect of alleviating encephaledema and cerebral index, bringing down penetration of encephalic blood vessel, delaying the formation of thrombus.
84 The ebb - tide , which had so cruelly delayed us, was now making reparation, and delaying our assailants.
85 Conclusion Chinese patent medicine has significant effect on treating premature thelarche and delaying central precocious puberty.
86 Objective : To explore the effect of Shenshu point on delaying senescence.
87 He collapsed a backboard support in his first NBA appearance on television, delaying the game 45 minutes.
88 The paper analyses that enterprises face growth resistance which is made up of factors, such as delaying of strategy adjust, enterprise capacity deconcentration, team spirit scarce, and so on.
89 It was pointed out that, by delaying knock out to let castings slowly cool in moulds, it is possible to eliminate casting stress and to offer the last guarantee for producing hi-quality castings.
90 He said, as there never was a schedule for exchangeability under RMB capital projects, therefore the process of delaying the process due to the Southeast Asian financial crisis does not exist.
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