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Butterfield in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2022-03-20Updated:2022-03-20
Similar words: center fieldchesterfieldcomputer fieldcenter fielderbutterfishbutterfingerspotter's fieldfar-fieldMeaning: n. English architect who designed many churches (1814-1900). 
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1. Mr Butterfield denies having anything to do with the episode.
2. Mr Butterfield also notes that the rules apply to managers, too.
3. This was the only Nonconformist chapel Butterfield ever designed and in 1976 it became a parish church.
4. Butterfield, 32, of Gladstone Street, Darlington, was confronted by an oncoming car which braked and swerved.
5. Butterfield prospered as a salesman of special editions.
6. Taylor won Academy Awards for her role in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" and "Butterfield 8."
7. Her two best actress Oscars were awarded for Butterfield 8 in 1960, and for her portrayal of a foul-mouthed alcoholic in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? in 1967.
8. Given his record, Mr. Butterfield has found raising money much easier than it was six years ago.
9. Mr. Butterfield, who spent three years at Yahoo before leaving, said the proliferation of broadband access and cheaper open-source software made his return to video games more feasible.Sentence dictionary
10. Mr. Butterfield, who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, is well known in the technology industry for his role at Flickr.
11. As Pixelpipe's CEO and founder Brett Butterfield tells us, the company realized that about half of Pixelpipe's users only used the service to forward files to one service.
12. Not long afterward, Butterfield, a clerk in the P. P. R. S. office, overheard a conversation between Elderson, the manager, and a German.
13. A British historian, Herbert Butterfield, called this the “absolute predicament and irreducible dilemma”.
14. It’s a perfect storm for food gardening, ” Butterfield said, noting the downturn coincided with growing interest nationwide in eating locally produced food.
15. As Butterfield told us, the company has automated most of the app development process, so whenever Pixelpipe adds a new service, a new mobile app can also be created with very little effort.
16. Butterfield brought up Wordie in a conversation about how we define social media and Web 2.0 applications.
17. SAN FRANCISCO — Stewart Butterfield helped found Flickr, the popular photo site later acquired by Yahoo, as a backup.
18. In 1963, Taylor was already a giant in Hollywood, with movies like "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" (1958) and "Butterfield 8" (1960), for which she won an Oscar, propelling her to the height of fame.
19. By Oscar night, Taylor had recovered sufficiently to pick up hers for Butterfield 8.
20. “Everything is a little weird and crazy, ” Mr. Butterfield said as he showed off the game at the company’s office here.
21. Neutralizing type-2 alkenes in the brain will likely be a good strategy for fighting Alzheimer's, said D. Allan Butterfield, a biological chemist at the University of Kentucky, Lexington.
22. Accused of bribery, Elderson denied the charge and dismissed Butterfield.
23. "The goal is to open it up completely and give you the biggest variety of choices when it comes to doing things with your photos," says Stewart Butterfield of Flickr.
24. At a dinner event earlier this week, Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield casually mentioned a site called Wordie, whose tagline is “Like Flickr, but without the photos.”
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