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Biomembrane in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2024-08-01Updated:2024-08-01
Similar words: cytomembranemembranecell membranefetal membraneplasma membraneserous membranemembrane-formingmucous membrane
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1. Conclusion: Biomembrane of berberine compound may be an effective direct pulp capping materia.
2. Conclusion of lipid peroxidation to biomembrane might be the common basis in pathophysiology for spleen - Qi deficiencyspleendeficiencyspleendeficiency.
3. Biomembrane is one of the important processes for degrad ating COD, phenol and ammoniacal nitrogen in wastewater treatment of petrochemical industry.
4. The biomembrane play rather important role in the life process.
5. The positive nanocapsule can interact with the negative biomembrane, resulting in targeted delivery on specific sites.
6. Objective : To study the effectiveness of direct pulp capping with biomembrane of berberine compound in minipigs.
7. Finally the opened area was closed by dentinal bridge. Conclusion: Polysaccharide and collagen protein biomembrane is effective in promoting the formation of reparative dentin.
8. A review is presented here to discuss their principles, fabricated biomembrane and associated applications.
More similar words: cytomembranemembranecell membranefetal membraneplasma membraneserous membranemembrane-formingmucous membranebasilar membranesynovial membranepermeable membranetympanic membranepseudomembranousnictitating membranesemipermeable membranehyaline membrane diseasemembranamembranousremembranceremembrancerremembrance dayin remembrance ofsemimembranosusintramembranousday of remembrancemembrarembrandtembranchmentbiomeembrace
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