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Binucleate in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2023-02-23Updated:2023-02-23
Similar words: uninucleatemultinucleatebinuclearnucleateenucleatenucleatedperinuclearuninuclearMeaning: adj. having two nuclei. 
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1. Mononucleated haploid cells join to produce binucleate cells.
2. The nuclei of the binucleate neurons and the poor differentiation neurons have to be studied further in the morphology and the physiology.
3. There are binucleate cells which play a role in forming epithelium in the development of oncospheres.
4. Pollen development was usually arrested before the binucleate stage, resulting in abortion of pollen grains finally.
5. At the same time, coumarininduces the abnormal mitotic of root tip cell, including chromosome bridge, fragment, binucleate cell, lagging chromosome and so on.
6. Polar nuclei The, usually two, haploid nuclei found midway along the EMBRYOSAC, forming a binucleate central cell. They may fuse to form the diploid definitive nucleus.
7. The anthers were sterile under long daylight exposure. Some anthers occurred to abort before uninucleate pollen stage, but others were sterile after binucleate pollen stage.
8. P1495 and P1005 could still drive GUS expression in binucleate pollens but at a lower level.
9. Histochemical analyses of different tissues and pollens at different developmental stages of the transgenic plants showed that P1943 could only direct GUS expression in binucleate pollens.
10. The centrally located nucleus is spherical,( with a prominent nucleolus and scattered chromatin granules. About 25% of the hepatocyte population are binucleate.
11. Nuclei which will eventually fuse divide conjugately in the binucleate ascogenous hyphae.
More similar words: uninucleatemultinucleatebinuclearnucleateenucleatenucleatedperinuclearuninuclearmultinuclearnucleationenucleationnucleardinucleotidenucleasenon-nuclearnonnuclearmononuclearnuclear fuelnuclear clubpolynuclearthermonuclearsupranuclearendonucleasenuclear powernuclear energyextranuclearnuclear-armedintranuclearinternuclearnuclear meltdown
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