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Alfred in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+1Posted:2018-07-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: alfred nobelalfred the greatpalfreyalfresconatural frequencytoll-freeself-repairself-regardMeaning: n. king of Wessex; defeated the Danes and encouraged writing in English (849-899). 
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151, Wherever Alfred goes he is sure to find his bread buttered on both sides.
152, Bruce Wayne : People are dying. What would you have me do Alfred Pennyworth: Endure.
153, In 1949, first Hedge Fund was launched by Alfred Jones.
154, Alfred Tennyson is a Victorian poet of English literature history.
155, The Theory of Continental Drift has had a long and turbulent history since it was first proposed by Alfred Wagener in 1910.
156, Alfred de Musset, a great French Romantic writer and poet of the 19th century, ranks as one of the most representative writers that serve as a milestone in the history of French literature.
157, Alfred Prufrock, a poem which is lauded as marking the beginning of modern poetry for its stream-of-consciousness use of uncanny images.
158, Pink was everywhere: JLM Couture, Anna Maier, Reem Acra, Anne Barge, Alfred Angelo and Ines Di Santo all showed off beautiful pink and blush-colored gowns.
159, He and his deputy, Roger Zulu, had been the only teaching staff until I and another recruit, Alfred Zaranyika, a Southern Rhodesian, arrived.
160, Piaget later developed an interest in psychoanalysis, and spent a year working at a boys' institution created by Alfred Binet.
161, Executive Chef Alfred Spieler and his culinary team return with their creative hairy crab creations all autumn long!
162, The winners receive their awards on December 10, the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel.
163, The Nobel Peace Prize is given out on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.
164, The United Nations has issued a stamp in honour of Captain Alfred Dreyfus.
165, Director Alfred Hitchcock releases his first film, The Pleasure Garden, in England.
166, There we learn that a walrus was called a walrus by 1655 but that as an animal it had been known long before and appeared with other names in the writings of Alfred the Great back around 893.
167, Power is the great aphrodisiac---Henry Alfred Kissinger, German-born American political scientist, diplomat, and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
168, Alfred Pennyworth : Endure. You the outcast attain the pick that the correct choice. Gotham needs you.
169, This motivated Alfred Witte to take note of the significance of midpoints . When the energies of any two planets intermix, they counteract yet ultimately complement each other in a remarkable manner.
170, When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it.
171, There is something called the Napoleon complex, which was identified by the psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, by means of which small men are supposed to overcompensate for their height by aggressiveness.
172, He drew lessons from the Sea Power Theory of Alfred Thayer Mahan to form his own idea of the maritime rights.
173, The process philosophy created by Alfred North Whitehead, an American philosopher, had an important effect on modern western philosophy with its arguing against traditional essentialism.
174, Faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle.
175, The first to use it in its modern sense was Alfred Sauvy, a French demographer who drew a parallel with the “third estate” (the people) during the French revolution.
176, Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time.
177, Still another is Roman Catholic Playwright William Alfred, whose off-Broadway hit, Hogan's Goat, melodramatically plots a turn-of-the-century Irish immigrant's struggle to achieve the American dream.
178, Darwin had been incubating his thesis for two decades when Alfred Russel Wallace wrote to him from Southeast Asia, independently outlining the same idea.
179, Alfred the Great acted as his own spy, visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.
180, In 1948 Sexologist Alfred Kinsey published figures that homosexuals found cheering.
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