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Soxhlet extractor in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-03-12Updated:2024-03-12
Similar words: extractorextractextractedextractantextractionextractiveextractingextractable
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1. Methods: Repeatedly reflux extracted by Soxhlet extractor.
2. The amount in the sample in a Soxhlet Extractor, using petroleum ether extraction LH, circulating at least 6 times per hour.
3. Methods The Soxhlet extractor method was adopted for the extraction of pigments, and acid extraction and ethanol precipitation method was used for the preparation of pectin.
4. Method By using Soxhlet extractor, water and ethanol were used as medium respectively.
5. Scallop fat was extracted by means of rapid fat extractor instead of Soxhlet extractor.
5. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
6. METHODS The content of phillyrin in forsythia was determinated by using Soxhlet extractor with methanol, separation and purification with the neutral aluminum oxide column and HPLC method.
7. Protein and oil contents of soybean are usually determinated by the Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method and Soxhlet extractor method.
8. The inhibition rate on TMV of the extract from lotus leaves with 95%(V/V) ethanol by Soxhlet extractor, reflux and cold soak are all 100%.
9. The chlorogenic acid in V. Macrocephalum flowers was extracted and determined by Soxhlet extractor and HPLC to know chlorogenic acid content in V.
10. Fat in male and female squillid meat and squillid heads was extracted with diethyl ether by means of rapid fat extractor instead of Soxhlet extractor respectively.
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