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DMF in a sentence

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Sentence count:54Posted:2024-02-25Updated:2024-02-25
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1. Methods Reforming the Hodge method in synthetizing DMF.
2. These secrets are protected by using a DMF.
3. In DMF tetraethyl ammonium bromide(TEAB) media, the reduction of irisquinone was two successive single electron processes without the chemical reaction of the free radical semiquinone.
4. Results (1)The positive rate of DMF. Rheogram in PHD with and without respiratory failure are 75% and 21.9% respectively.
5. Polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) membrane was made by N, N-dimethylformamide(DMF) as the solvent and fluoride resin as the hydrophobic agent.
6. The production process and application fields of N, N dimethyl formamide (DMF) at home and abroad are reviewed, and the domestic markets are briefly analyzed.
7. The optimum criterion of MTMD can then be selected as minimization of the minimum values of the maximum dynamic magnification factor(DMF).
8. The optimum criterion of MTMD can then be selected as minimization of the minimum values of the maxi -mun dynamic magnification factor(DMF).
9. Acrylate, DDBSA and DMF were used to react under a two stage.
10. A fault diagnosis algorithm based on the double model filter(DMF) for a heat exchanger of the aircraft environment control system(ECS) is developed to improve the capability of fault diagnosis.
11. The dynamic magnification factor ( DMF ) of structures is derived.
12. Using phenol and benzyl chloride as raw materials and N, N-dimethyl formamide(DMF) as solvent, benzyl phenyl ether was synthesized under microwave radiation.
13. The copolymers show good solubility in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and some inorganic acids like H2SO4.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. The progress of technological remoulding of butadiene extraction with dimethyl formamide (DMF)as solvent by GPB method in Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation was reviewed.
15. Employing the formulated transfer function of the structure with the MTD-MTMD, the dynamic magnification factor (DMF) of the structure with the MTD-MTMD is defined.
16. Thirdly, the design model and design method of DMF are verified by torsional vibration experiments under idling condition and static stiffness experiment.
17. First of all, the two undamped multi-freedom torsional vibration models of DMF under idling and driving condition are built based on the principles of vehicle power train equivalent torsional model.
18. The solubility of the prepared copolymer of the chloroethylene and the acrylonitrile in an organic solvent DMF reaches more than 20 percent.
19. Our factory specializes in production and operation of organic chemical solvents: tetrahydrofuran. Pyridine. Chloride stupid. DMF.
20. Objective To explore the biological exposure indices ( BEI ) of dimethylformamide ( DMF ) in China.
21. After several hours the ampule contents were dissolved in DMF, precipitated into acetone and dried in vacuo.
22. N-Methyl-2-(4-phenoxyphenoxy) acetamide was synthesized from 4-phenoxyphenol and 2-chloroacetyl methylamine with DMF as solvent and potassium carbonate as catalyst.
23. Belgium: Measures have been taken to ban import and sale of footwear and chairs containing DMF.
24. In this paper, the half wave potentials of chromic acid derivatives are determinated in H 2O and DMF by polarography and selective oxidation of chromic acid derivatives is described.
25. A capillary GC method with FID detector for the determination of residual organic solvents ethanol, isopropanol, dichloromethane, n-hexane, tetrahydrofuran, DMF and dimethyl malonate was established.
26. They are insoluble in water, ethanol, methanol, acetone, chloroform and benzene, but,[] DMF and DMSO.
27. Colour stability of coker gas oil has been improved by DMF extraction.
28. Simulation calculations were carried out of the extractive distillation process for separation of butadiene 1,3, using DMF(N, N dimethyl formamide) as solvent.
29. Therefore, in this work, the characteristics of mass-transfer process are investigated in a mechanically agitated extraction column for DMF extracted from its wastewater using chloroform.
30. Bromoxynil octanoate was synthesized from bromoxynil, octanoic acid and thionyl chloride in the solvent using DMF and N(C 2H 5) 3 as catalysts by one step reaction.
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