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64 in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+1Posted:2018-09-18Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being four more than sixty. 
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271. In 64% of the specimens, the marginal artery extends to the rectosigmoid arterial zone.
272. The goal of fully - decoded addressing is to provide a complete 64 k addressing capability.
273. IA - 64 is a new EPIC architecture that provides hardware support for software pipelining.
274. Snow Leopard can be loaded by default in 64 bit mode.
275. The company unveiled a more advanced flash memory chip able to store a whopping 64 gigabytes.
276. The equation can be applied to both strong polar and nonpolar liquids[ ], the average error is 1.64% from 1928 experimental data based on 328 compounds of 42 structural types.
277. Substitute Steven Gerrard bagged the second on 64 minutes in what was Liverpool's penultimate pre - season friendly.
278. A fast 64 bit binary parallel adder for high performance microprocessors and DSP processors is presented.
279. Data - Contains upper - layer information and has a variable length of up to 64 bits.
280. Before death, 64% of anatomic malformations but only 13% of nonstructural cardiac conditions were diagnosed.
281. Methods 64 patients infected with Coxsackie virus were randomly divided into only western medicine therapy group and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine therapy group.
282. Methods 64 cases of retrosternal goiter with surgical intervention and pathological confirmation were analysed retrospectively.
283. The first and second optical waveguides (46, 62) and the first output optical waveguide (64) are hollow core optical waveguides formed as channels in a substrate.
284. The incidence of language delay in children with diplegia, tetraplegia and athetoid were 45.95%, 90% and 64.7%, respectively.
285. She had kept that pathetic burden in her heart 64 years.
286. Routes: the exchange of Keelung Road under the highway, Dart through on the 2nd (North Foreshore Highway) southbound , the Fulong, Tahsi to about 64.8 km Kedi.
287. The attitude of Marcelle D'Argy Smith, a baby boomer at 64, echoed the findings.
288. The most sedentary nations were St. Lucia and the Cayman Islands, with 58 percent of boys and 64 percent of girls spending at least three hours a day in sedentary activities.
289. The results of intravenous urography (IVU) and Micturating cystourethrography in 40 children and 64 adults with recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) were presented.
290. Each processor held a subpopulation of 64 individuals, for grand total of approximately one million individuals.
291. A normal civil wedding license in Italy costs about 45 euros ($64): for non-European citizens the Verona license will cost nearly 900 euros, with EU non-Verona couples paying approximately 700 euros.
292. Results Chiral docetaxel C13 side chain was synthesized in 76% yield and 99% ee . The total yield of coupling and deprotecting reaction was 64%.
293. For the borrow pit, the acceleration erosion coefficient of cutting slope and table-board is respectively 76 and 64.
294. Article 64 Evaluation of the prepaid expenses and inventory of supplies shall be based on the portion of amount covering the unexpired period or the unused supplies.
295. The address of a memory location at which a 64 - bit IEEE - precision floating - point number can be accessed.
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