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Shipyard in a sentence

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Sentence count:81+1Posted:2017-10-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: graveyard shifthardshipshipboardstewardshipmembership cardyardhalyardfarmyardMeaning: n. a workplace where ships are built or repaired. 
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31. He is a skilled worker laid off from his job in a Belfast shipyard.
32. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard was originally established in 1891 as a Naval Station and was designated Navy Yard Puget Sound in 1901.
33. The second tree smiled when the woodcutter took her to a shipyard sailingday.
34. Its proudest boast was that it had the biggest shipyard, the biggest dry-dock and the biggest crane in the world.
35. They'd been a dejected lot when he'd arrived at the shipyard, but now they sparkled with enthusiasm.
36. The pavilion is constructed as a monolithic self-supporting construction in white-painted steel, manufactured at a Chinese shipyard.
37. Two back-up rescue devices constructed at Chile's naval shipyard are expected to be delivered next week.
38. How to select the new bearing for the rudder pin is very important for meeting the repair period of the ship-owner and the dock-using period of the shipyard as well.
39. December 7, 1942: Launch of the New Jersey at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
40. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard has demonstrated superb leadership and continuous process improvement in the areas of productivity, environmental stewardship, and technical innovation.
41. Spot inspection and itineration inspection are taken as ways of quality control, which play a very important role in repairing shipyard.
42. The two NAPA 500-class patrol boats are being constructed at the Industria Naval do Ceara SA (INACE) shipyard in Fortaleza and are scheduled for delivery in 2009.
43. The nearest city in the Elven realm that boasts a shipyard is Erewel.
44. Shanghai Qiuxing Shipyard built and delivered three 13600 DWT product chemical tanker to KIL shipping of Denmark.
45. It was laid out in 89 after its selection as the site of a U. S. naval shipyard. Population, 38,42.
46. When tine cruise yacht approaches the coast, the system would contact the shipyard at the right moment and then we can acquire speedy logistic support.
47. The shipyard is working on three different jobs, ie building three ships.
48. Back at the shipyard the second tree was not made into a mighty sailing ship.
49. The TANDEM welding is an ideal technology for the welding of panel in shipyard.
50. The wharfs of a ship repairing yard or shipyard are the facilities built by making use of shoreline resources, and shall be brought into the scope of administration of port planning and construction.
51. Researching in the archives, they discovered that the shipbuilder's ambitious plans to build three large ships at the same time had put a huge strain on its shipyard.
52. It discussed briefly the auto-painting line for ships, sectional painting system, painting for ship up-buildings and maintainance painting in shipyard.
53. In this paper two kinds of acoustic frequency technique which were applied in shipbuilding technology in shipyard are discussed.
54. On October 28, Allure of the Seas, world's biggest cruiseliner was handed over to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd by STX Europe's shipyard in Turku, Finland.
55. From the requirements of general urban planning, the bonding pad of Dalian Harbour and Barracuda Bay - Dalian Shipyard has been included in the medium-term relocation plan.
56. March 28, 1943 USS Princeton CV-23 in the Delaware River near the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
57. Yantai Raffles Shipyard Limited is a leading offshore and marine fabrication specialist.
58. The Viraat was fitted at state-owned Cochin Shipyard with new fire control equipment, navigation radars, improved nuclear, biological and chemical protection, and deck landing aids.
59. A new - type ocean - going freighter is being laid down at that shipyard.
60. The vessels will be a joint-use platform operated by both the United States Army and Navy. Construction of the first JHSV is scheduled to commence at Austal's US shipyard in November.
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