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Renewable in a sentence

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Sentence count:199+4Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: renewawarenessentrepreneurablecabletablenotableenableMeaning: [rɪ'nuːəbl /-'nju-]  adj. 1. that can be renewed or extended 2. capable of being renewed; replaceable. 
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91. With increasing use of smart meters, which mitigate the problem of intermittency that plagues renewable forms of energy, demand for rooftop installations should grow strongly in these places.
92. Governments have to kick start the energy revolution by implementing renewable energy laws across the globe.
93. The country has various policy initiatives, including a price support scheme for electricity from renewable sources similar to Germany's feed-in tariff, benefiting green energy suppliers.
94. Roof platform recycling plant cultivation in large containers or small plastic juice containers, equipment degradable shaded from the pure natural fibre and renewable wood produced.
95. Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Development.
96. Although the conflicts in using renewable resource between generations are slighter than the depletable resource, the problem of market failure that brings by the generations' behavior still exists.
97. Mobile phone operator Orange said on Tuesday it had teamed up with GotWind, a firm specializing in renewable energy, to produce a recharger powered by dance energy alone.
98. The public security organs shall seize stolen goods or suspected stolen goods found in business operation of renewable resources recovery in accordance with law and list the seized goods.
99. How much extra money will you spend on a external mobile electronic device renewable recharger ?
100. HSBC predicts that China will invest more money in renewable energy and nuclear power between now and 2020 than in coal-fired and oil-fired electricity.
101. Oil is not a renewable resource, so its reserves will certainly decrease.
102. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), was established on 1-26-09, when 75 nations signed an agreement at the founding conference in Bonn, Germany.
103. Renewable energies become a leitmotiv in the project,( translated into symbolic shapes throughout the Campus.
104. Cassava starch is precious renewable resources, it can process a variety of 2000 products group.
105. Miscanthus for Renewable Energy Generation: European Union Experience and Projections for Illinois.
106. Under the decline of conventional source of energy and increasing pollution, the fossil fuel based energy structure is being replaced by renewable energy based structure.
107. Corn straw consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin , it is a abundant of renewable resource.
108. The wind generation, photovoltaic generation and the electric vehicle are the three main renewable energy utilization methods and are under the fast development.
109. Of the $80 billion investment need per year, approximately $25 billion a year of concessional financing is needed to cover the incremental costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy.
110. The stover was abundant and renewable resource and mainly consisted of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
111. In principle, government entities at all levels shall procure renewable resource products and environmental label products.
112. Some even point to the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a Californian maker of solar panels which had received lots of federal money, as proof that renewable energy is a wasteful pinko pipe-dream.
113. The production tax credit for renewable forms of energy was supposed to end this December.
114. For the Ergon Biokork bike grip, the designers spent time honing the shape, to reduce hand stress--but they lavished care on the materials as well, to make sure they were all renewable.
115. In 2007 the energy from renewable sources represented 3,5 % of the total consumption of primary energy in Slovak republic.
116. In our country, "Renewable Energy Law" clearly pointed out that incentives to develop renewable energy development tax incentives and loan policies.
117. Simultaneously the land also has from stable, the circulation and the self-purification function, is the renewable natural resource.
118. President Barack Obama's campaign promise to explore new sources of renewable energy is one element of his budget that is nonnegotiable, say administration officials.
119. And, point out the researchers, menstrual blood-derived stem cells are a vastly more renewable resource than those harvested from cord blood.
120. When some new renewable energy project are carried out, the apportioning problem can be solved by this balance account and consequently avoid to adjust the electricity price frequently.
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