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Oecd in a sentence

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Sentence count:53Posted:2017-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: anecdoteanecdotalsynecdochemacroeconomicsmicroeconomics
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1. The average among other OECD countries was 10%.
2. Comparison with other OECD countries is extremely interesting.
3. At the moment 18 of the 24 OECD countries are either planning or implementing a major shake-up.
4. The establishment of the OECD, however, also reinforced the lessons of the late 1950s that Britain was not something special.
5. Explain the poor response of OECD governments to the Brandt Reports. 10.
6. The OECD is currently working on a way of comparing countries for value for money in education.
7. Unemployment in the OECD is expected to rise to a post-war record of 36m.
8. According to the OECD survey, the privatization programme involved little change in management or improvement in efficiency.
9. The OECD issued its latest economic outlook.
10. In 2000 the OECD blacklisted 35 tax havens.
11. Cbarter 2. Treasury payment system of OECD countries.
12. OECD has the program Program for internation student assesment International Student Assessment , or pisa PISA.
13. The United States and other OECD countries to implement the Performance Budget have achieved remarkable results. But on the theory and practice of Performance Budget, there are some shortcomings.
14. La dolce vita, the OECD insisted last night, remains affordable.
15. The OECD defines "aid tying" as when "the procurement of the goods or services involved in ODA is limited to the donor country or to a group of countries".
16. Recently, the Fiscal Affairs Committee of OECD tried to develop a new method of attribution of profits to permanent establishment.
17. The OECD sees these agreements as the answer to the problem of tax - dodging.
18. OECD has been submitted to a new blacklist of 30 countries and areas'selected. "
19. The templates are drafted in 1998, the OECD members to sign avoidance of double taxation agreements.
20. The OECD is an international organization that developed from the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (EECD), which was created in 1948.
21. Therefore, a series of patent indices of OECD are introduced to scientifically and practicably evaluate the innovative performance.
22. Most of the successful NICs have increased their share of manufactured goods imports into the OECD countries.
23. In Britain that pressure will be weaker, partly because Britain already has the oldest population among the big OECD
24. Between 1972 and 1985 there had been significant energy savings in OECD countries.
25. Based on the analysis of global learning community camping, the author discusses the conceptual framework of OECD learning community model as well as its major contents.
26. Table 2: Official development assistance (ODA), in US$ millions, to higher education from major donors, including total ODA from member countries of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC).
27. Accumulated responsibility for emissions lies to a greater extent with industrialised OECD countries than with China, and no one wants to deny Chinese citizens the dream of private mobility.
28. Having released its first model tax convention since 1963, OECD even releases the updated edition of its model in one year or several years now.
29. Finally, it introduces several tax audit methods of the cross-border capital, and takes the OECD model as an example to analyze the international tax method.
30. The gross national debt soared to180% of GDP—three times more than America's and the largest within the OECD.
More similar words: anecdoteanecdotalsynecdochemacroeconomicsmicroeconomics
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