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Yeah in a sentence

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Sentence count:236+25Posted:2016-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: yeaSimilar words: year after yearyearMeaning: [jeə]  adv. not only so, but. 
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151, Morley: Yeah, but... uh, I'm not comfortable with you guys seeing me in the buff.
152, Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room!
153, Yeah, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp.
154, Yeah, the name is uh Ruskin, Barry Ruskin of the Giant Building Machinery Inc.
155, Yeah, that's what I think I saw, although it could've just as easily been a coat hanger or an ice pick or a broken pencil.
156, Yeah, the part about the bans not being appealable is being removed, actually, and there's some talk about emailing all of those people again.
157, Boss Skua: Yeah, yeah, I guess my pitiful quest for mercy had appealed to their better nature.
158, Paddock: Yeah, you're supposed to be off finding some castle on the road to Cherbourg.
159, Yeah. And a lot of we call treachery, you know, where one state would join with another state, and gang up on the third one.
160, Yeah, I'm going to say it—he's a loose cannon .
161, Bart : A piano? Oh yeah. How about a lobster dinner?
162, Jack : Yeah And they a tweet directly from the heavens on Friday.
163, Yeah. My fuel pump's deceased. You have a radiator cap for me?
164, A : Oh , yeah? Then what's that on your neck? A hickey?
165, Xy:Yeah, y'know, to strike fear into their hearts before you attack.
166, Yeah, limpid are like clear water in a tranquil pool.
167, "Yeah," said Salina, "Just what do you think it would be like for him at that university in California?"
168, Yeah. The pharmaceuticals companys purposely exaggerated the H1N1 epidemic situation and its perniciousness.
168, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
169, "Yeah, " he tells me "and look at the poor motherfucker.
170, Yeah, I ve still got a bad hangover. Some hair of the dog would probably make me feel better.
171, Dido : Yeah , nobody can relate to it really.
172, Mike: Yeah, but not just any poem Dad...A Neo Symbolist poem. That's her favorite brand.
173, CAROLINE GLUCK: Yeah I think practitioners like Ward are still quite idealistic about how they want wiki to develop.
174, Oh yeah and you use song lyrics without proper attribution rather bad form methinks.
175, Kevan: Yeah, and you'll never guess who appeared before me in the chem lab.
176, Yeah, lots more people know how cool it is to collect stamps.
177, Yeah, I know. By the way, do you know how to properly break bread?
178, Yeah, she's just a really hot, big bosomed, nymphomaniac friend. Who are you trying to kid, chief?
179, Bren: Yeah... but I was hoping she was expelled, or into hard drugs.
180, It would be, like, Yeah, so today I detonated a bunker filled with snipers, and then I texted my boyfriend, and I agreed that we should only use cerulean for an accent wall.
More similar words: year after yearyear
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