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Yale in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+3Posted:2018-01-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: riyalyaltaloyalroyalloyallyroyallyroyaltyloyaltyMeaning: n. 1. a university in Connecticut 2. English philanthropist who made contributions to a college in Connecticut that was renamed in his honor (1649-1721). 
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(121) He was high school valedictorian, scored a perfect 1600 on his SATs, and was accepted to both Yale and Princeton.
(122) "Of course, small, cute, furry animals like ground squirrels are also highly cannibalistic," added Longrich, who is a paleontologist at Yale University.
(123) Perhaps we are ready for some integration of knowledge today, as is evidenced by the Institute of Human Relations at Yale University and in the addresses at the Harvard Tercentenary.
(124) But it's also post-Christian because you can no longer assume, in this culture,especially in a multivalent, poly-ethnic situation like Yale, that everybody here is going to be Christian.
(125) And so did Cole Porter, one of America’s most popular composers, who wrote a football song celebrating Yale’s mascot, "Handsome Dan the Bulldog."
(126) Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram wanted to test willingness of subjects to obey an authority figure.
(127) With his more flashily gifted Yale chum, Brit Hadden, he founded Time magazine.
(128) These provide network-level analyses, or "wiring diagrams," of the fruit fly and roundworm, said Yale University bioinformaticist Mark Gerstein, co-author of the roundworm paper.
(129) In the campus of Yale University, can you feel the nimbus of the Presidents of USA?
(130) I a graduated of Yale University. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.
(131) Brenda McClain, director of pediatric pain management services at Yale University.
(132) She was studying architecture at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.
(133) Estonian - born American architect whose bold, monumental designs include the Yale University Art Gallery ( 1954 ).
(134) The modern door lock is a compact pin-tumbler cylinder lock of the type developed (1860) by the American inventor Linus Yale.
(135) Yale University is a non-profit corporation; the price of a share in Yale University is undefined-- it's zero over zero.
(136) DAVID W. BLIGHT is the director of Yale University's Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance,( and Abolition and a professor of American history.
(137) In a foreword to the book, the president of Yale, Richard C.
(138) Returning to Arkansas after his years as a Rhodes scholar and Yale law student, Bill Clinton, the great chameleon of modern American political history, had to reconnect with an American vernacular.
(139) The first experiment repeated a study carried out two decades ago by a Yale University researcher, in which a fly population was divided in half and fed different diets -- malt sugar versus starch.
(140) Going to Yale was hands-down the best choice I've ever made.
(141) S. after World War II and attended Princeton University and Yale Law School on academic scholarships.
(142) Freddie went to Harvard and studied playwriting at the Yale School of Drama.
(143) As an important and typical representative deconstructionism critic in Yale School, Paul de Man plays a vital role in contemporary western theoretical circle.
(144) Yale students have a long tradition of intense involvement with extracurricular activity.
(145) Shower may be adding heater, YALE lock , and interlock on require.
(146) Bartlett, Beatrice S. "The Vermilion Brush: The Grand Council Communications System and Central Government Decision-Making in Mid-Ch'ing China", Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1980.
(147) In the academic circles, both Derrida and the Yale School are considered as deconstructionism with the differences between them almost totally neglected.
(148) What's a second act to being editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Review, clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and authoring biographies?
(149) "Mosquitoes find us through their sense of smell, but until now we've known very little about how they do this, " said Professor John Carlson, a molecular biologist at Yale University.
(150) "It's our first glimpse of what's going on physiologically that's causing age-related cognitive decline, " said study leader Amy Arnsten, a neurobiologist at Yale University.
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