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Transmission unit in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2024-04-24Updated:2024-04-24
Similar words: transmissionno transmissionretransmissiontransmission rangetransmission timebeam transmissionwire transmissiontransmission rate
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(1) Use things like shared processor weights, maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes, and RAM allocation to give the production LPARs more clout than the development LPARs.
(2) E . The maximum transmission unit ( MTU ) size is too large.
(3) Definition of transmission unit of motion function transformation (FTU) was presented, and the contents contained in FTU were defined.
(4) Data transmission unit adopts half duplex Manchester encode decode mode, which is compatible with Atlas 3508 telemetry cartridge.
(5) The correction command is sent to the missile via the laser transmission unit ( 5.5 km range ).
(6) A checksum is a count of the number of bits in a transmission unit that is included with the unit so that the receiver can check to see whether the same number of bits arrived.
(7) The tool consists of flowrate processing unit, gamma processing unit, temperature processing unit, magnetic signal processing unit, modulating transmission unit and electric processing Unit.
(8) Using intermittent transmission (balise or short loop) the information can only be transmitted to a train passing the transmission unit.
(9) Enter configure jumbo-frame size 9216 -- Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.
(10) New styles and practical design methods, the Calender and the transmission unit are on the same horizontal load which make it more stable and reliable.
(11) This option is useful if you want to test the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the routers and gateways used to transmit the packet.
(12) The vibration generating mechanism of a new type of mechanical transmission unit have been analyzed and revealed through theoretical analysis and vibration measurement on a test-rig.
(13) Each network interface has a physical device definition, such as ent0 for an Ethernet adapter. This is where the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size and media speed attributes are stored.
(14) Its hardware circuit is mainly, constituted by three units: AT89C2051 single-chip microcomputer control unit, data acquisition unit and LM1893 Power-Line-Carrier transmission unit.
(15) Constructs the hardware platform of the video processing unit based on ARM processor S3C2410. (5)Unifying the WLAN technology, realize the video transmission unit.
(16) Firstly, the paper models the multivariable discrete state-space model of the air transmission unit by the lab method, using multi-dimensional inverse M series as input stimulus signal.
(17) Based on the requirement of hybrid drive system, a proposed new power transmission unit of Oil-Electric hybrid vehicle is analyzed in detail.
(18) As a supporting of automobile and road surface and transmission unit, its dynamics characteristic influences the movement performance of the automobile directly.
(19) Public corridors, elevators, basements and other public areas as real estate facilities, the cost credited transmission unit size.
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