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Terminal device in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-04-14Updated:2024-04-14
Similar words: external devicefunctional deviceoptical devicedigital deviceperipheral devicemechanical deviceelectrical devicerhetorical device
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1) If it is determined that the terminal device G accepts handover of the master station capability, the terminal device G starts to act as the master station.
2) Sampling remote terminal device, general development process of embedded system is introduced control center of ACSRTU.
3) The invention discloses a communication reminding terminal device and a system and a method.
4) Portable terminal device, recording medium,( device.html) and protable termal device control method.
5) Advance sale system, terminal device, management device, server, and program.
6) Three-dimensional image display device, portable terminal device, and lenticular lens.
7) Image display device, portable terminal device, display panel and image display method using the same.
8) When you log in and are assigned a terminal device to type in (the terminal becomes standard input for your shell), you're made the owner of the device, and tty becomes the group owner.
9) At last, the paper has given a specific instance of FHCIM for mobile embedded terminal device.
10) This paper discusses the working principle, composition and program block diagram of the terminal device.
11) The invention relates to a multiband antenna device and a communication terminal device.
12) Thus, a multiband antenna device applicable to wide band without using a passive element, and a communication terminal device are provided.
13) For instance, on Mac OS X, the wall utility -- short for "write all," because it writes a message to every physical or virtual terminal device -- is setgid tty (as shown above).
14) This paper discusses the working principle, composition and program diagram of the terminal device.
15) Alternatively, a transfer paper with the antenna pattern printed thereon may be attached to the inner surface of the terminal device.
16) Video sequence post-processing is a very important part of the whole video sequence processing. It's a bridge between the signal channel and the terminal device.
More similar words: external devicefunctional deviceoptical devicedigital deviceperipheral devicemechanical deviceelectrical devicerhetorical devicemechanical devicesterminalterminallyterminaliaterminal areaair terminalbus terminalterminal userbattery terminalcomputer terminalterminal computerterminal unitdata terminalcontrol deviceterminal blockterminal valueterminal pointterminal marketterminal windowremote terminalairport terminalterminal station
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