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Stanford in a sentence

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Sentence count:242Posted:2018-06-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: leland stanfordstanding orderstanding ordersamerican footballinstantaneousinstantaneouslyconstant statestandMeaning: n. 1. United States railroad executive and founder of Stanford University (1824-1893) 2. a university in California. 
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61) According to Bach, Stanford wrote back that its policy prohibited Down patients from getting transplants.
62) Mitch graduated from Stanford in 1998 with a degree in biochemistry.
63) In some ways, it looked over for Stanford from the start.
64) While at Stanford, Wender interned for various community organizations and realized there were few services solely for disadvantaged or in-crisis children.
65) Colson believes the media has been overly critical since the Stanford game.
66) There were portable toilets at the Super Bowl at Stanford in 1985, which was a sellout.
67) Stanford is averaging 32. 6 points per game and has not committed a turnover in the last two games.
68) The coach, on loan from Stanford, has driven herself even harder than usual.
69) Before that, and this should tell you a little something, it was not much more attractive for Stanford.
70) Ben Izzy, 37, studied storytelling and writing at Stanford University before traveling to 23 countries as a globetrotting bard.
71) The hundreds of photographs with which Stanford enticed Meissonier were published that year in a limited edition without text.
72) The chores collectively equal defense, something Stanford clearly does not treat as an afterthought.
73) Stanford, which received a few votes last week, was shut out after idling Saturday.
74) The blood sample, if drawn outside Stanford, can be transported to the Palo Alto-based medical center by courier.
75) A win tonight will clinch the Pac-10 championship for Stanford, now ranked number five in the nation.
76) Stanford used some physical play inside and the playmaking of point guard Brevin Knight to take the lead from the outset.
77) He was 22 at the time[], still a Stanford University student.
78) Another doctor, 37 Edwin Schultz of Stanford, thought the compound zinc sulfate could do the job better.
79) Mr. Packard was instrumental in founding the Stanford Industrial Park in the 1950s.
80) Cal and Stanford so far have tried, and failed, to sweep the Washington road trip.
81) He deferred admission to Stanford medical school and set about taking three seconds off his 200 time.
82) As of 3: 30 p. m. Friday, power was fully restored at Stanford, a university spokesman said.
83) Stanford settled an old score Friday by defeating Siena 94-72.
84) Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser, is a former provost of Stanford University.
85) On Monday, Stanford athletic director Ted Leland issued the written apology in response to numerous complaints about the performance.
86) It's because the landfill disposal site at Stanford in the Vale is full that the changes have been made.
87) Cal looked like the far superior team, just as Stanford did when it was host.
88) When he was in public school, according to Stanford spokeswoman Janet Basu, Zare kept correcting a mistake-prone teacher.
89) Its author has an unimpeachable pedigree: stories in the New Yorker, degrees from Stanford and Harvard.
90) They came to Stanford at the same time, but from entirely different directions.
More similar words: leland stanfordstanding orderstanding ordersamerican footballinstantaneousinstantaneouslyconstant statestandaccept an orderstankstand instand-upstand tostand forstand onstand offstanderstand bystandbystancestand-bystand upstand-instand outstandoutstandoffstanzastanchstandardinkstand
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