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Rockwork in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-06-29Updated:2024-06-29
Similar words: clockworkstockworkdockworkerlike clockworkrock woolbrickworkwork wondersrockwell
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1. Once the eggs have hatched all surplus rockwork can be removed, to ensure that fry do not get trapped under it.
2. Subgrade earthwork and rockwork shall include: fill subgrade earthwork, cut subgrade, special subgrade treatment and other relevant activities.
3. There is a lot of beautiful rockwork , which is a place you must visit. As Oriental Venice, Suzhou has many rivers with bridges, ancient and classical. It is an attractive and wonderful city.
4. There is a lot of beautiful rockwork, which is a place you must visit.
5. A large exceptionally well carved Huang-Yang ("boxwood") sculpture of Damo seated in meditation on a rockwork base.
6. Adapt to small aquarium, all kinds of handicraft , rockwork and fountain, High-class design, low water level, saving energy and durable, Ingenious shape, safe and super silen.
7. Al Shultz, co-owner of Boulder Crete Inc. in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, avoids phony faux syndrome on his rockwork jobs by employing an actual artist to do all the sculpting and coloring.
8. When it comes to water features, which go hand in hand with rockwork , faux rock has no mortared joints to leak and seep like real rock features do.
9. This chapter covers subgrade works which include subgrade earthwork and rockwork, drainage project, subgrade protection project, and other related work.
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