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Blackwood in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2020-12-25Updated:2020-12-25
Similar words: backwoodsblack womanblackwaterblack widowrock woolteakwoodblackjackblack jackMeaning: n. 1. very dark wood of any of several blackwood trees 2. any of several hardwood trees yielding very dark-colored wood. 
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1. The establishment of blackwood calli system.
2. Rooting and transplantation of blackwood.
3. The kinds of wood carving are mainly whitewood, blackwood and boxwood carvings.
4. House Blackwood kept the old gods, and worshiped as the First Men had in the days before the Andals came to Westeros.
5. North then used Blackwood to ask for aces and kings, and placed the final contract.
5. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
6. The Blackwood boy would tell him if he asked, but that would spoil the mystery.
7. Walder Frey's fourth wife was a Blackwood, but kinship counts for no more than guest right at the Twins.
8. Harrison Blackwood teams up with microbiologist Suzanne McCullough, computer programmer Norton Drake, and army Lt.
9. Blackwood settled in a high-backed chair. "For honor's sake I must ask about my liege lord."
10. Blackwood is executed by hanging, and declared dead by Dr. Watson himself.
11. "His daughter, " suggested Bracken. "Blackwood has six sons, but only the one daughter. He dotes on her. A snot-nosed little creature, couldn't be more than seven. "
12. Lord Blackwood shall be required to confess his treason and abjure his allegiance to the Starks and Tullys.
13. My cousin, Blackwood Price, writes to me it is regularly treated and cured in Austria by cattledoctors there.
14. The witness stated that he saw Lord Blackwood rise from the grave.
15. Within the clan (or extended family), the power that belongs to senior men, especially those with titles like datuk (or chief), is no more significant than that of senior women, Blackwood said.
16. As he stepped into a pile of shavings, a long blackwood splinter pierced his foot.
17. Four different materials feature different qualities, styles include African Blackwood, Cocobolo, Camatillo and Ebony.
18. We met nearly 20 years ago through Lady Caroline Blackwood, the dark-witted novelist to whom he was married briefly during the 1950s.
19. They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot.
20. “One of the reasons I went there was to study a system where men don't have the kind of power we are used to in the West,” said Evelyn Blackwood, an anthropology professor at Purdue University.
21. His plea deal was announced after special Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood consulted with defense and prosecution attorneys, the two surviving administrators and the widow of the man who died.
22. She did not like the sound of that. “He took Raventree and accepted Lord Blackwood’s surrender, ” said her uncle, “but on his way back to Riverrun he left his tail and went off with a woman.”
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